show ghosts
edition 2:6, the eighteenth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li

This edition of snow ghosts showcases 90 fine cherita and cherita terbalik from writers and poets who hail from UK, USA, Singapore, Ireland, Canada, India, New Zealand, Italy, Romania, France, and Australia.

snow ghosts take us all into the season of mists with shorter days and darker nights. I have enjoyed selecting and collating this edition, and as always, I have tried my best to ensure that each edition of the cherita will give the reader a very different reading experience from the previous editions.

As for my once upon a cherita writing class, I am pleased to report that I may have found a new cherita poet. She is not only extremely enthusiastic about the genre, but writes from her own personal truths thus giving her words much poetic power. I have asked her to put together a submission for the cherita, and I am looking forward to receiving her contribution. She will be part of the growing list of new and good cherita writers.

I have edited this edition as I have all the other editions of the cherita, to be experienced two ways. It can be read as one storybook but also as an anthology of individual poems. Two reading experiences within one book, filled with stories of Life, Love and Loss.

cherita terbalik continues to capture the imagination of poets and there are again fine examples in this edition.

Featured Poets as they appear in this edition :-

Andrew Riutta/ Akane/ ai li/ Maryalicia Post/ Peter Jastermsky/ Joanna Ashwell/ Larry Kimmel/ Ron C. Moss/ Debbie Strange/ Tiffany Shaw-Diaz/ Arvinder Kaur/ Susan Burch/ Julie Bloss Kelsey/ Richard Milton Grahn/ Patricia Prime/ Richard St. Clair/ Antonietta Losito/ Benjamin Eric Taylor/ Shoshanah Steinberg/ Kath Abela Wilson/ Michael H. Brownstein/ Pat Geyer/ Tia Haynes/ Joyce Futa/ Joan Stern/ Joanne Morcom/ Christine L. Villa/ Robert Stewart/ Tim Callahan/ James Haddad/ Josette D’Orazio/ Jackie Chou/ Michael H Lester/ Larry Kimmel/ Geoffrey Winch/ sekiro/ Rachel Sutcliffe/ Réka Nyitrai/ Grace Galton/ Robert Horrobin/ Peter Larsen/ Gregory Longenecker/ Beverly Lafontaine/


to crows everywhere:

here is my head
here is my heart

a little meat
to smear on your beaks
till spring

Andrew Riutta

Thank you for all your submitted cherita and for sharing your stories. These stories will now be read far and wide and hopefully inspire even more writers and poets to come forward with their own efforts, all of which are precious personal tales.

Your collective support keeps the cherita strong with words to entice and draw out the inner storyteller who lives in all of us.
If this new edition strikes a chord with you, please feel free to review, comment on Amazon or give a feedback directly to me. Many thanks.

ai li


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Once we notify you that we have accepted your poems for publication, either in the online journal or print journal, please do not share or submit your work elsewhere until we have published your work, or the editor will withdraw your work from publication. We also ask that you refrain from republishing your work in any medium for 90 days from publication in the cherita: your storybook journal.Thanks.




copyright © the cherita 2018