Y O U R    C O M M E N T S




‘This form created by ai li has proven to have a staying power that will see it entrenched along side the cinquain as an enduring poetic form. True to its storytelling origin, many cherita read like the world’s shortest flash fiction. They combine the evocative power of tanka with the narrative of a personal story, like the vignettes we glimpse as we sit in a café and watch the world go by.’

M. Kei

Editor and Publisher of Atlas Poetica
Keibooks, Maryland, USA




You must keep the Cherita going–it’s a treasure to the poetry community.

George Swede




The cherita journals bring some much needed magic and pleasure in the world, long may they continue.

Joanna Ashwell




Be well, ai li. You are a light for so many! -Warm Regards, Connie Pitman-Ramsey




Thank you for creating and introducing me to the cherita. It has opened the door to a whole new world of writing and I am in love. Beauty can be many things-it can shape shift. It can be a cause, a curse, a blessing. It can be ugly. The cherita challenges my standards of beauty. I am invested in the form and am excited and honored to be a part of the journey.

Have a wonderful day,

Clara Sohn Rehor




May you inspire more and more readers to cherish this beautiful genre of poetry.
It touches my soul.

Neena Singh




you don’t know how
better my life became

you can not know
but yes, yes you do
what is there to say

thank you, thank you

James Haddad



Thank you for all your dedication to The
Cherita and getting the journals out to
all of us each month. It’s a monumental
task and I wonder how you do it.


Thank you so much for being part of the sanity in this world during this
trying time. It means a lot.

Taura Scott



Thank you for your response and for everything that you are !

You are always quiet, working behind the curtains, never highlighting yourself. And the way you help chisel the works selected is quite unique.

Vijay Prasad




I have recently discovered this poetry form and have fallen in love with it.

Thanks so much for your support of my Cherita and for creating this wonderful story-telling style!

Jan Stretch




thank you Ai Li. Looking forward to a new world of Cherita.

Genie Nakano




. . . you are such an inspiration!

D’ellen Hutchins




You have a brilliant and energizing life force which reflects in your poetic perspectives.

Richard L Matta




I have recently discovered the form and, as an avid haiku writer, love this poetic short form.

Thank you,

Barry Vitcov




For a newcomer like me to Cherita , lots of encouragement and motivation from your side and site. Thanking you once again.

with regards




You are doing an amazing job with your regular journals, well done indeed. I know how much work these things can be.

Wishing you all good things,
Ron Moss




I am coming to love the cherita.

Keith Evetts




It’s an honor to be part of your esteemed journal. Thank you very much.

Don Baird




Greetings, always remembering your guidance and CHERITA is inspiring me every moment, to keep me occupied.
Yesterday, in a poetry circle, called CPC in which I am a long standing member, ever since from its inception, i had the privilege of
reading my Cherita (two ) newly composed, I had the opportunity of making a mention of association with you and how your
guidance is always inspiring and enlightening, . . .

S. Radhamani



It is a gift and tribute to ancestors to have the dua I submitted, published. They all look perfect.

Thank you ai li, I am so delighted to be included in your beautiful journal. 

Norma Bradley




Thank you for continuing to publish me. I am always deeply grateful.





I love this format.

Michael Lee Johnson




I would like to thank everyone who has so very kindly sent their warm and encouraging wishes for the cherita. I won’t let you down and that’s a promise.




the sound
edition 8:5 of the cherita
edited by ai li

has launched, and is now available in paperback and kindle on Amazon.

Do please keep sending me your comments.

My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has taken the time to send in their comments and views. Every comment below has been greatly appreciated, and will help inspire me to ensure that cherita continues to grow as a serious storytelling form. As long as we have breath, we have healing stories to share with the world and hopefully make it a more considerate and kinder place to be in.




For those of you who have bought the cherita on amazon and found the contents to your liking, I would be honoured if you can find the time to write a few lines for posting on amazon.com and amazon.co.uk below the books.

There must be more storytellers out there who we are not aware of right now, who have stories they would like to share with all of us. The comments you leave on amazon will encourage these cherita virgins to come forth and join us round Time’s proverbial campfire.

It is never too late to nurture the inner storyteller who lives within all of us.

Thanking you all in advance and in anticipation.



the sound
edition 8:5 of the cherita
edited by ai li


First of all congratulations on all the publications for October and so many thanks for all the hard work you put in month after month. I shall enjoy reading.

P.S. I loved your very evocative autumnal start to the email telling us of the latest publications.

Ceri Marriott


Thank you again for accepting my works. I am really honoured to be included in your journal.

Warmest regards
Vidya Premkumar


I am honored. Thank you so much.

All the best,
Lisa Sparaco


I just wanted to thank you for choosing several of my cherita to be honored with Lighthouse Awards. I was excited to discover that in the past two publications of The Cherita. Thank you so much!

Leon Tefft


I have read many of the Cherita, Dua, and Gembun anthologies and have been appreciating and enjoying them all.

Taura Scott


A wonderful form!

C.X. Turner 



sitting quietly
edition 8:4 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you so much for accepting my work! I’ve fallen in love with writing cherita again.

Take good care and be well!

All the best,
Peter Jastermsky


Kudos to you for the release of the Cherita, Gembun & Dua anthologies. How you manage to do so much is mind boggling! The cherita, gem in and Dua quoted are all lovely!

Grateful to you for including my dua in wildflowers were here and awarding me a dua bella!

How are you keeping? I often remember our meeting with great love and affection. 

Take care and God bless,


Neena Singh


🙏 Miss Ai Li for your above fabulous poems. How are you? Time really flies. Hope everything is going well with you…

Warmest Regards
Anderson Teo


The last collection of cherita “sitting quietly” looks great. As always, I’m very proud to be a part of the cherita “family.”… I trust all is well with you.

Barry J. Vitcov


Thank you once again for including my Cherita in your anthologies. It is an honor. Thank you once again for including my Cherita in your anthologies. It is an honor.

Nicholas Gentile


I am very happy to have my work published in your prestigious publications. I have learned and continue to learn from your generous direction.

Thank you,
Paulette Calasibetta


edition 8:3 of the cherita
edited by ai li

Beautiful Ai Li,

You never stop to produce good work!

Eli Naor



Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful issue: launch of the cherita – transient & dancing silhouette & home in rain

As usual I am amazed how orderly and complete each issue is … You are amazing in your organizational skills.

It is wonderful to have the choices of styles that you developed and continue to publish. I still remember my “ah ha ! ” with the first sight and description of a cherita ! It seems my “go to” style, and over time, I am feeling natural.

With the others Thank you so much for your creativity and sharing with us all.

Sigrid Saradunn




The poems from ‘night poetry’ and ‘finding the magic’ are so inspiring. Congratulations Aili

R Suresh Babu




Congratulations on “Transient.” As always, I’m proud to have several cherita in this month’s issue, including a cherita lighthouse.

Barry J. Vitcov




Your poetry is beautiful, as always.

Thank you for sharing.

Rachna Singh




Great news!! Thank you so much!

Best regards
isabella kramer




a tree
edition 8:2 of the cherita
edited by ai li


The verse is beautiful, as always.

Thank you for sharing.

Rachna Singh




Thankyou for your email notifying us of the anthologies that are out. Thrilled and thank you for the award of dua bella.

Loved reading the cherita and gembun from the anthologies. They are truly inspirational.

Your hands are so full with anthologies, and caring for birds too, I don’t know how you do it. My hat off to you.

Thank You Ai Li for all the news, as usual I loved reading it.

Madhuri Pillai




Oh, such wonderful news on Monday morning. Thank you so much! I’m very pleased to hear that.

Best regards
isabella kramer



empty beach
edition 8:1 of the cherita
anniversary edition
edited by ai li


Wow ! Ai

This reads pretty amazing. Thank you for introducing me to cherita and gembun, genres i never would have known for you.

Keep creating!


Megha Anne Wilson


Thank you for sharing this beautiful poetic repast.

Rachna Singh


Thank you for the email, I loved reading your dua, cherita, and gembun. I will send in cherita submission soon.

Madhuri Pillai



Wonderful! . . . I’ve ordered my copy of empty beach and look forward to reading other poets’ words.

Many thanks for including my words!

Leslie Umans



a path
edition 7:12 of the cherita
edited by ai li

I continue to be honored to be included in the cherita publications.

Barry J. Vitcov


Thank you Ai Li,
I appreciate it

Eli Naor


Congrats on the publication if another issue of cherita. I will grab a copy.
However, I do wish the poems will appear on both sides of the paper. The blank pages between poems look odd.
I like especially the cherita about children in the recent issue.


John Zheng


Just received my ‘ice storm’ – lovely – and wanted to say a big thank-you for my 8 gembun included 🙂

Pete Taylor


the river
edition 7:11 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Blessings – Lovely to be in the new ice storm and to also receive the award. I’ve acquired quite a collection of the books now, I think six to date. Hope your spring is a wonderful one and congrats on the continued relevance and magic of your work. Warmest, Robert Frede Kenter.




Dear Ai li,

… I loved the cherita and duo you have sent in the mail from your anthologies. What makes me more happy is that I see some new writers who have written some wonderful Dua. Your cherita, Gembun, Dua is becoming very famous Ai li, and there are too many followers for your poetry.

My best wishes,

R Suresh Babu




Thank you for sharing these poetic gems. Love them.

Rachna Singh
Principal Editor of The Wise Owl




a stone thrown
edition 7:10 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you so much for your email, for publishing the poems and for giving the dua bella award.
I am really happy to have received the wonderful news.

Best wishes 🙂

Shrehya Taneja


I continue to feel great pride in being included in the monthly cherita publications

Barry Vitcov


Although I’ve been writing haiku for a long time, I recently discovered cherita. I find it to be an exciting style of poetry that I am fascinated with greatly and have been enjoying ever since. In fact, I just purchased Joanna Ashwell’s “river lanterns” book in order to take a deeper dive studying cherita. I have a great deal of respect for the level of exacting diligence the creator(s) of cherita place in the form’s standards of excellence.

Leon Tafft




edition 7:9 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Also huge gratitude for creating the Cherita – I love this story telling format!

Jan Stretch




Amazing Ai Li well done!
You look and sound great there and it is nice to see the application of your followers at website, probably this is the best reward.

With love,

Eli Naor




I find writing dua a delighted way to record observations of ordinary and extraordinary moments in the day of an insight, a memory or experience. I love the space it provides for contemplation.

I appreciate your creativity, and what you continue to create to broaden the life of haiku.

Norma Bradley




Congratulations too for inventing the three genres of poetry.

Your enthusiasm is incredible. Please keep it going.

Madhuri Pillai




Congratulations on all you have created. I loved reading the work.
Thank you for the beauty you have added our world.

Wishing you everything wonderful,

Pauli Dutton




Congratulations on your successful editorial and publishing career!

I am happy with my first gembun Thank you very much! <3 

I send you my best wishes for the fulfillment of dreams and endeavors in the year of the dragon.

Warm regards,
Tsanka Shishkova




edition 7:8 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Happy New Year!
Congratulations on the new releases! The response to your essay and interview have been stupendous…kudos to you.

Hope all is well with you. You work so hard every month on taking out the cherita books as also Gembun and Dua now. You inspire me!

Love and light always,

Neena Singh



Congratulations on your ‘nomad’ and ‘something rare’ anthologies!
Just a quick line to wish you much light and Blessings for good health, great spirits, creativity and peace for 2024…

Best always,

Samantha Sirimanne Hyde




Happy New Year! I hope 2024 brings you much joy and peace. I am so happy that my cheritas have found a home with your publications. 

Barry Vitcov



Wishing you a very happy and prosperous New year 2024 with all success in your ceaseless efforts. My heart felt appreciation and gratitude for all your success, thanking you for the recognition and honor to me.

May you grow to dizzy heights

with regards

Radhamani Sarma




lighthouse keeper
edition 7:7 of the cherita
edited by ai li


This looks and sounds wonderful ai li. You not only create beautiful poetry (cherita, dua) you also do a fabulous job nurturing these genres so lovingly.

My compliments. Best wishes.

Rachna Singh



greetings, I really dont know how to mention your steadfast patience and commitment.
Immense thanks for your featuring me in RAIN and anthology . indeed honored and humbled I pray God should bless you with more and more gifted energy

with regards Radhamani Sarma




the sandstorm
edition 7:6 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Love the depth created in them what a world you have created!

We all so love “the sandstorm” !!

Your beautiful interview inspires us as we write.

Kathabela Wilson




beautiful collection of cherita and gembun. Thank you for inspiring me.

Madhuri Pillai




I enjoyed watching your interview with Neena just now and am in awe of your talent. I love
that you credit spirit for your inspiration and intend to approach writing as a spiritual journey
from this point onward.

With gratitude,
Teri Hopwood



Welcome back! It sounds like you had a fabulous time in Bali. My son and daughter-in-law visited there several years ago and found it to be a very special place. Again, I am proud to be included in the cherita publication. I enjoy sharing the books containing my cherita along with others during our monthly poetry readings. I am encouraging others to write cherita and haiku, which I have been writing for many years.

Barry J. Vitcov




I am happy that you had a wonderful trip to an island that refreshed your spirit and energy. And sharing
your adventure with us.

Thank you for including me in Bedtime Story. I enjoyed reading especially the inclusion of James Haddad
whom is a wonder to behold.

Peace and love
and continued success,
Sigrid Saradunn




Bless you dear friend. My heart was really touched by your spiritual journey. I’m very happy that you have a special place where you can hear your voice clearly and get in touch with your soul.

Laughing waters




Also, I’ve begun reading the lovely collection “the sandstorm” this morning. I’ll also be working my way through the content on cherita.com. Have a lovely day, all. 🙂

Lee Hudspeth





Greetings, nice to hear from you… Very much thrilled to go through the entire list.
Congratulations to those selected . Kudos to your sustained efforts.

with regards
Radhamani sarma




she saw
edition 7:5 of the cherita
edited by ai li


‘she saw’ is the 79th issue of the cherita series, edited by ai li, a London based poet and editor. It is essential reading for all short form poets. Here are a few samples from ‘she saw.’

even if i know

that love is fragile
and fairy tales

are only fairy tales
i want
to believe in

Eva Joan


its wings
in its sleep

the future

its nest

Kathabela Wilson

Larry Kimmel




winter lands
edition 7:4 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you for creating these forms. They have sparked some creativity in me for which I am extremely grateful.

Best regards,
dan smith




So honored to be included in “the cherita” publications. Thank you so much, Barry J. Vitcov




the weight of dialogue
edition 7:3 of the cherita
edited by ai li


hope the Cherita continues for a very long time. The form is beautiful.
Warm wishes
Joanna Ashwell




edition 7:2 of the cherita
edited by ai li


greetings from Greensboro, NC, ai li.

You are doing great things.

Alexis Rotella



Just read the new cherita journal from cover to cover. Such wonderful poetry, as always.

Jackie Chou



Congratulations for your ceaseless work

….many thanks for including me in the prestigious publication

Radhamani Sarma




Thank you so much. I’ve ordered my copy. Looking forward to reading another beautiful collection.

M.R. Mandell



night thoughts
edition 7:1 of the cherita
edited by ai li


I am in awe of the work you do …and some interesting contributions

I particularly like your Saturday night……

Alan Cousins


Beautiful work as always Ai Li, I can’t thank you enough for including my poems in this fantastic edition, so enjoying reading other material collected hope you are having a wonderful Summer!!! 😀

Jerome Berglund

PS: Spreading the good word on social media where many of my favorite poets have been writing cherita recently…



Linda Lim


Thank you so much!

I’m honored to be part of The Cherita, and look forward to reading these beautiful editions.

M.R. Mandell


Truth to be told, I was fascinated by your formats on GEMBUN, DUA and CHERITA…

Farahani Ibrahim



Partha Sarkar


Greetings, received the happy note , latest updates about anthologies , delighted to know about Night Thoughts and Dream Sequence and to know about your persistent
hard work combined with will power. My hearty congratulations.

Hearty congratulations to all those featured in your seclection

Very pleasing to know more about Gembun anthologies and all the more about examples.

with regards



wear and tear
edition 6:12 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you for the beautiful cherita journal you published this month!

Kathabela Wilson




Hurray, such exciting news!!

I ordered a physical copy, fantastically looking forward to reading, thank you for your hard and important work, warm regards always from Minneapolis!! 😀

Jerome Berglund




More power to you and the Cherita.

Maricris Cabrera
from the Philippines




You made my day special with the good tidings! Congratulations on the publication of “ wear & tear” & “white flowers”. Honored to have 2 gembun featured, as also the gem award, so very grateful to you!

Hope all is well at your end.
I still have to learn about Dua and submit some to you. 🤗💕

Warm regards,
Neena Singh




Congratulations on the new book wear and tear edition #6:12 of the cherita.

Thank you for publishing.
I am so happy that my cherita is on the lighthouse list.💕

I wish you good health and continued successful cherita-books.

Tsanka Shishkova




I AM indeed honored and humbled by the inclusion and mention , I shall get back to you soon

Radhamani Sarma





Gillena Cox


Got my Wear and Tear book of cherita today. Thank you for continuing to encourage me.

Connie Pittman-Ramsey




ink stain
edition 6:11 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you dear ai li for this safe beautiful space- Connie Pittman-Ramsey




Thank you Aili for publishing my Dua in the anthology ‘ remembering’. Thank you so much

R. Suresh Babu



This is exciting … thank you very much.

Peace and love,

Sigrid Saradunn


I am very grateful to you for reviewing and including my poems in the “ink stain” book #73.

I am happy that my cherita is on the “cherita lighthouse” list.
Thank you!

Warm regards,
Tsanka Shishkova


Congratulations on these publications, especially of the first Dua anthology.

Do hope you’re well and over your jetlag now!

Best wishes,

Ceri Marriott


Thank you a million times for rekindling my interest in these genres.

Madhuri Pillai


…my warm greetings, so encouraging to note your painstaking efforts, kudos to all your efforts, many more from you.

Gods blessings, with regards Radhamani Sarma


I am honored and delighted to be part of the community you have created. Thank you.

Norma Bradley



night market

edition 6:10 of the cherita
edited by ai li

Greetings. Congratulations and my sincere appreciation for your diligence and patience and many more from you. God’s blessings.
Always appreciate your patience and persistence.

Radhamani Sarma


Such gorgeous news, thank you so very much for this much-needed positive input.

Best regards,

Isabella Kramer


It is great. We are proud.

Being honoured,

Partha Sarkar


ghost writer
edition 6:9 of the cherita
edited by ai li


I remain in awe of the effort you put in and grateful for your support.

Robert Horrobin




I greatly appreciate all your time and attention to my work and The Cherita Journal. It is always wonderful to read and to be a part of the cherita community.

Bryan Rickert



. . . your Cherita is very special to me, and I thank you for the honor to write them

Sharon Ferrante




Thrilled to receive your launch mail on waking up today!

Grateful for the gem award and showcasing my gembun—you made my day special..

Congratulations on the new editions of cherita & gembun. Will enjoy reading them.

Take care and warm regards,

Neena Singh




Thank you very much for the good news. I am happy that my poem is listed on “the cherita lighthouse”.

Congratulations on this wonderful anthology series.

Accept my wishes for new successes in your publishing activity.
Stay healthy and still an inspired creator.

Tsanka Shishkova




cloud shadows
edition 6:8 of the cherita
edited by ai li


It’s a great achievement. Congratulations.

Partha Sarkar



Lynne Jambor


good luck with this and a very happy new year. Ruth Corman


Happy New Year, Ai Li!

What a wonderful way to start 2023. I hope it’s a year full of joy and happiness for you.

All the very best,
Ceri Marriott




Gillena Cox


Thanks for a great new year!

Madeleine Basa Vinluan


New Year Greetings!
Grateful for all your love & support in the past, and look forward with hope on 2023.

Congratulations on the beautiful new issues of cherita & gembun. I am honored to be in the gembun issue. I shall read about Dua and submit too!

Stay safe, well and joyful! Sending much love,

Yours fondly,

Neena Singh


Greetings and a very happy new year. Thank you so much for featuring my gembun in the anthology ‘Windswept Rain’. It’s a beautiful title. Take care ai li.

R. Suresh Babu


Warm greetings!

Thank you so much for everything. It has been a very warm experience to be a part of your creative projects.

Wishing you and yours a very creative, joyous and a fulfilling new year.

Stay safe and well.

Kind regards,
Richa Sharma


Thanks a ton for appreciating my humble efforts!

i will try some “dua” shortly.

Lastly, ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣!
Vijay Prasad



a touch of crimson
edition 6:7 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Many thanks again for accepting my work and for all the hard work you put in to make the books lovely pieces of literature to read.

Ceri Marriott




words in my dreams
edition 6:6 of the cherita
edited by ai li

Many thanks for the lighthouse award, but more importantly, thank you for sharing your gift of genius and creativity with your creation of new poetic forms. These help me tap more into my emotions that have been suppressed and finally resurfacing with grace and compassion as I process them. It means a lot to me.

Have a wonderful day!

Kind regards,

Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo




. . . so rewarding and encouraging, so much to learn and augment our skills, all credit goes to you

with regards
Radhamani Sarma




Well done, Ai Li!

Best wishes,
Ceri Marriott




gone now
edition 6:5 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Many congratulations on your silver jubilee editions – what a great achievement. Here’s to another 25 years!

I’ve ordered a copy and am looking forward to reading everything properly when it arrives.

Well done again,
Ceri Marriott




…i am indeed honored, every month contributing for your prestigious journal, is a wonderful rewarding experience.

with regards
Radhamani Sarma




of all places
edition 6:4 of the cherita
edited by ai li


A very belated congratulation on the silver jubilee of cherita and gembun! I missed wishing on time.

I think it’s an exceptional achievement to create a genre and witness its growth for 25 years. I hope this popularity keeps growing exponentially and there are many more jubilees to celebrate.

Barun Saha




Warmest thanks for this great news! I’m so happy and proud about this.

Cordially yours,

isabella kramer



Congratulations on all your efforts and for giving so many a voice

blessed life,

Alexis Rotella




you ask me to dance
edition 6:2 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Greetings. Glad to know about the occasions featuring moments of pride, excellence, diligence and above all sustained efforts. My hearty congratulations to you.

“Celebrating their Silver Jubilee
Cherita 22 June 1997 – 22 June 2022
Gembun 12 June 1997 – 12 June 2022 “

very much pleased to know about the launch of ‘ you ask me to dance ‘ as well as the first Gembun anthology ‘ snow clouds’ ; words indeed beggar description; how much diligence and sustained endeavour -gone into the making; very glad to know about me being featured in SNOW CLOUDS as well as the award of a gem . I must confess, that i owe my absolute success and credit to your constant encouragement and support, at every stage.

Good Luck in every stage of your life and GOD’S BLESSINGS.

with regards
Radhamani Sarma




Congratulations! Wonderful that both books with such lovely poems will be out for the world to read. Feel privileged to be part of one of them! Thank you.

Best wishes for this trend to continue, and may the next book be around the corner.

Warm regards,
Sushama Kapur




Thank you so much for your kindness. I will remain ever grateful.

With respect and regards,

Subir Ningthouja




first my congratulations for 25 years, and good luck for the future!

Pitt Büerken




Hearty congratulations. It is really praiseworthy.

Being glad,

Partha Sarkar




I congratulate you on your silver jubilee. it is a remarkable achievement for the author of the book called poems of any sort. The different ways your poetry can be extended is also a treat for writers. Thank you so much for offering these remarkable little stories to we, the writers.

Gayle Sweeper





I am delighted to hear about the first volume of Gembun Anthology. Can’t wait to read it.

Jayashree Maniyil




Congratulations on the release of two books on cherita & gembun celebrating their silver jubilee this year.

Grateful to you for the guidance on penning gembun and your kind acceptance. Thrilled to receive a gem award for my debut entry.

Hope you are keeping well and enjoying summer.

Warm regards,
Neena Singh





Gillena Cox




I came upon your website last night and thought what you have done is wonderful. I enjoy writing haiku, and think I will enjoy writing cherita even more.

Ceri Marriott




i dream
edition 6:1 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Go ahead girl!
You don’t know what you’ve achieved with your Cherita.

George Tardios




It is very, very impressive. Even I, who has been with this from the start, was surprised at the number of books you’ve produced, both your own and the cherita.

There is no one else who has single handedly kept a monthly journal going as long as that, not to mention the high quality you’ve been able to maintain. Give yourself a pat on the back. 

Larry Kimmel




Congratulations on your Silver Jubilee. I really like your ‘illusionist’ cherita.

paula song sarmonpal





Hearty congratulations for your achievement. All the best for future.


Partha Sarkar




Congratulations on the Silver Jubilee of Cherita! I clicked on the link to see the wonderful old books you posted. I’m looking forward to reading the latest issue “i dream”…

Take care and please know that I truly appreciate your support of my writing these past couple of years. All the best, Cynthia Anderson




Thank you so much! Would you believe a lot of my friends are published in this particular issue? I LOVE IT, thank you!

I. Hope




Thank you for continuing to publish The Cherita each month.
i so enjoy reading it. Can’t wait to see the Gembun anthologies.

Take good care,
Taura Scott




no footsteps
edition 5:12 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Hearty congratulations to know about the meritorious success and the following note, from you.

It is not an exaggeration to admit, that grand success and continued glow – all should be credited to your sustained efforts and diligence. Not only to know about the 25 th silver Jubilee Birthday of Cherita and Gembun, but also the edition of “no footsteps” the fifth book Of Cherita’s silver Jubilee year of 2022. Also to know more about ‘ blank screen’ your second book of90 virgin gembun,gives us immense pleasure, a propelling factor for us , to read, contribute, experiment with ; above all a wonder how much of sustained effort must have gone Into these achievements. Praying God The Almighty to shower more and more dynamism and strength to extend both Chertia and Gembun into dizzy heights . wishing you all the best and good luck on the proposed Gembun Anthology.

Glad to see my name in Cherita terbalik ; so encouraging and furthering my move to add more and more into this creative platform, with your support and blessings as always. I don’t know how to express my gratitude for the Cherita lighthouse award.

More and more publications from your good self.

Assuring you my best of service to these two creative platforms , Cherita and Gembun always,with your support , in every move.

With regards

Radhamani Sarma


Greetings! I loved the pics of Lake Windermere. How beautiful! ….. and i can feel your enthusiasm and inspiration to write those gems

….embroidered kimono……such a lovely gembun

…..here …… for only a day…..

I have taken these gems as my inspiration. For you, its Lake windermere and for me , it’s your gembun for inspiration

I am inspired and going to try to contribute

Regards Aili and take care,

R. Suresh Babu


And again, thanks very much for including my Cherita!
God bless.

Madeleine Basa Vinluan


Your holiday photos were awesome.

Keitha Keyes


Thank you for publishing my Cherita.

I will buy the collection to see which one you have included. Very exciting

Daniela Becher


Thank you kindly for including me.

Sending you warm greetings,

David Cox


Always a pleasure to read.

Thank you.

Sushama Kapur




a flower whispers
edition 5:11 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you so much for sharing information about cherita and gembun in your mail. Also the examples of the poems make the whole experience inspirational

Best regards,
Sushama Kapur




my hearty congratulations. How much of diligence and patience must have gone into this achievement- beyond articulation.

Radhamani Sarma




edition 5:10 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thanks for considering and including my cherita.

Gillena Cox


Congrats to your new books.
Thanks very much for including my work in Stranded and for awarding me the Lighthouse!

God bless your success!
Madeleine Basa Vinluan


Gembun terbalik is addictive!

Kala Ramesh



Caroline Skanne



leaving you a note
edition 5:9 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Hi Ai Li – you are amazing – a very special soul – keep up the good work
Love David Defty x


Thanks for considering my poems worthy of publishing in this issue

Wishing you a happy and prosperous year

Much love
gillena cox


Thanks also for the lighthouse – greatly appreciated.

Alan Peat x


Always admire and looking forward to your wonderful endeavours for all of us.

Thanks once again! 🙂

Richa Sharma





i suddenly remember
edition 5:8 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Season’s greetings!

Wishing you and yours a healthy and a peaceful new year. I am honoured and pleased to make my humble contribution to ‘the cherita’.

Thank you for everything. Please take care and stay safe.

Warm regards,
Richa Sharma




Happy New year to you, wishing you good health and peace.

Silver jubilee of cherita, congratulations, it has come a long way with Gembun, has become very popular. Congratulations to you and Larry Kimmel.

I will send in my contribution the Gembun issue.

Warmest regard,
Madhuri Pillai



Congratulations on your first book for 2022, i suddenly remember and the Cherita form’s silver jubilee – what a wonderful achievement!

Just wanted to wish you a safe, happy, peaceful and creative 2022…

With Blessings and light,
Samantha Sirimanne Hyde



no footsteps

edition 5:12 of the cherita
edited by ai li


And again, thanks very much for including my Cherita!
God bless.

Madeleine Basa Vinluan


Your holiday photos were awesome.

Keitha Keyes


Thank you for publishing my Cherita.

I will buy the collection to see which one you have included. Very exciting

Daniela Becher




the aroma
edition 5:7 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you, Ai Li, for the news on the milestone for The Cherita.

I am proud to have had my cherita appear in your lovely and inspirational

All the best,
Emalisa Rose




Thanks very much for publishing my pieces and for awarding me the Cherita Lighthouse!
May the Lord God bless you abundantly for your kindness!

Madeleine Basa Vinluan




Congratulations to you Ai Li, for 24 yrs of success

Irene Cheng




dark to light
edition 5:6 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Congratulations on another landmark issue of cherita.

Honoured to have 2 of my cherts featured in the lovely issue.

Stay safe and well.
Warm regards,

Neena Singh


Another excellent issue, ai li. Much enjoyed.

Keith Evetts


And thanks very much for including my Cherita pieces in your new book.
God bless!

Madeleine Basa Vinluan


. . . love the Cherita ‘Wind’, I loved your cherita in hedgerow. Love the gembun ‘swaying lanterns’, I have been writing gembun, . . .

Thank you,

Warmest regards,
Madhuri Pilllai




dream book
edition 5:5 of the cherita
edited by ai li


I don’t think I can fully express my happiness in seeing my name among the poets of dream book.
This has been my longtime dream — having my work published and read by other people.
I can’t thank you enough.

May the good Lord bless you in abundance and keep you safe and happy.
Thank you very much!

Madeleine Basa Vinluan




edition 5:4 of the cherita
edited by ai li


I loved ‘raindrops.’ Thank you for including two of mine – my first published cherita. Thrilling!

Keith Evetts




Many thanks for your wonderful news. I’m very pleased and happy that my work is included in this gorgeous project!!

Warmest regards
isabella kramer




Thrilled to hear from you and know that raindrops is out. Congratulations on your 54th book! You are amazing!

Honoured to be awarded the cherita lighthouse along with other talented poets. You motivate and inspire me.

Neena Singh




thank you so very much for including me in raindrops. I look forward to seeing it for sale in the bookshop.

Lynne Jambor




I’m always pleased to receive your notifications of each new issue, and have been glad to see how successful The Cherita has been with the steady build-up of new contributors.

Geoffrey Winch





the sweetness
edition 5:3 of the cherita
edited by ai li


I’ve just completed my initial reading of your most recent The Cherita .. enjoying and gasping and sighing ..

this one is especially poignant

each day

your footsteps
on the porch

yet in the mirror
there lingers
no face

Richa Sharma : Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
a cherita lighthouse


aside from the meaning, I love, too, the subtlety of the slant rhyme ..
of which there is so much that is so euphonious without ever hammering ..
simply beautifully wrought

and the final six words, yours .. [sigh]


enough rain today for two funerals


[double sigh]


thank you for putting these beautiful collections together ..
be well and, still, be safely ..
Maxianne Berger





The new edition of the cherita 5.3 the sweetness looks amazing!

Will enjoy reading it and delighted to be in it and grateful to you for including me in the cherita lighthouse award. Feel honored!

Neena Singh




We both love the new edition of the cherita journal “the sweetness” and have been reading our collabs aloud at meetings. Such a consolation during these challenging times.

Kathabela Wilson and Taura Scott





I am glad to hear that Cherita is going to be a name. I wish all the best for Cherita.

With a joyful heart,

Partha Sarkar




edition 5:2 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you, Ai Li, for this lovely update. Your creation has made a wonderful addition to the world of poetry and enriched many lives.

With gratitude for all you have done.

Pauli Dutton




Good day ai li,

Congratulations on 24 years of a superlative form loved by many.


Alexis Rotella





Congratulations on the cherita’s 24th birthday! It has now entered its silver jubilee year. What a great milestone!

Kudos on the release of wanderer and congratulations to you and all featured poets, especially those awarded the cherita lighthouse.

Neena Singh




Hearty congratulations.

Partha Sarkar




I have ordered my copy of wanderer. It is great to be published in your anthologies.

All my best,

John J. Han




edition 5:1 of the cherita
anniversary edition
edited by ai li


Really awesome. Congratulations for being 24.

Partha Sarkar



Great news and what long time Celebrating Cherita!! Please take my warmest congratulations!

I’m very happy and thankful being a part of this gorgeous project.

All the best for you.

Isabella Kramer




I read Silence as one storybook .. and truly appreciate the work you put into organizing the various poems into a longer work that is so coherent, and lovely .. although there is a tradition of rensaku as a sequence, I am more reminded of cento poems .. the careful stitching together of a patchwork into a beautiful readable garment ..

thank you for the long poem, and thank you for letting me be a small part of it ..

all best,
Maxianne Berger




So happy to hear of the new publications. You must have been extremely busy working on these books.

Glad to have my two Cherita in ‘silence’ and happy 24th birthday to cherita this June!

Loved this new cherita of yours:


no longer
comes to my hair

but snow
so quietly


Will read all of them.

Take care and love,
Neena Singh




Finally thanks for publishing my Cherita, in ‘Silence’ Very much honored and humbled, taking me dizzy heights, to publish more and more Cherita in the journal of world repute.

S. Radhamani




A little note to thank you for including me in the celebratory anniversary anthology. Congratulations to the mother of cherita on the upcoming birthday of your baby!

Debbie Strange





Happy to have two cherita in ‘silence’ (the cherita Book 5:1) Anniversary Edition, June 2021, Edited by ai li, the creator of cherita.

Congratulations to ai li on the 24th anniversary of cherita. ]

Grateful for her guidance and the publication of my cherita in her beautiful book.

Neena Singh




Thank you for including my poem in The Word Healers, absolutely delighted and honoured. I will get a copy of the book. Thank you once again.

Thank you again 🙏🏽

Warmest regards,
Madhuri Pillai




wshed by sunset
edition 4:12 of the cherita
edited by ai li



Caitlin Buxbaum



Very delighted to receive a note about recent cherita publication from you; amazingly wonderful your zeal and ardor in selecting with a meticulous care – words beggar description. Front cover with a mike and back cover brown, so selective and in tune with the Title, ‘ Washed by sunset;’

The title is inspiringly awesome ,impelling any curious cherita lover to go deeper into the meaning and
Metaphor implied .Your sincere observations with reference to ‘Washed by Sunset’ make me re read into the
Unceasing efforts through out the journey. Only people committed with the same aura and Undergoing various kinds of returns , experiences will understand the output.
That way all kudos To you dear AI LI.

Again concentrating on the example from Washed by sunset, we are on the joy, jubilation and
Moving along the canoe, taking our moments, cherish able memories, as retold by the persona
On the canoe, so much between the “we” ; caught between two extremes, deep delving into the past, the present with puddles soft rowing them ahead. May be both in the canoe, in a silent move, very subtle expression.

the canoe glides on

deep in
the backcountry

gentle splash
of the paddles
speaks for both of us

B.A. France


My sincere prayers – Cherita and your self and efforts go to DIZZY HEIGHTS.

Cherita is , will be my life long zeal and commitment . Thanking you for your support and warmth,

S. Radhamani




continue the good work dear.
rita malhotra





Congratulations – I look forward to reading the edition.
Alan Peat



Partha Sarkar



Thank you ai li.

Wishing you good thoughts
and poetic wonders,

Emalisa Rose




Thank you so much ai li

Hope your doing good. Please take care as Cherita needs you and your work.

Warm Regards
Lakshmi Iyer




a shadow of myself
edition 4:11 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Greetings. Summer getting on , me fighting without a docking station for my computer, ( hub) without big screen, printer, and
external key board etc, plus domestic chores, to be honest, your Cherita- page – really sustains me. I was showing MY SON Cherita -ever increasing its popularity day by day . . .

S. Radhamani




Thank you ai li. You have no idea how much I need this. take care…be safe…God bless…

Pat Geyer





Hearty congratulations.

Partha Sarkar




I read through “a shadow of myself” today (Kindle version) and as usual found many memorable storytelling moments.

Cynthia Anderson




Thank you, ai li, for including my cherita among the other fine word offerings.

Emalisa Rose




It is wonderful, as always, to read another issue of the cherita journal

Jackie Chou




a time of wonder
edition 4:10 of the cherita
edited by ai li


During this time of global Pandemic, your work is all the more important in connecting people through the power of poetry.
Royal Rhodes




Thank you for the beautiful new collection a time of wonder with many beautiful cherita of ours– and all dedicated to Joan Stern! Thank you so much for doing that! I will tell her husband and son, and send them a copy. . . It has been wonderful and an inspiration to write cherita together during these difficult times.

What a consolation cherita is for us, going through these times together, at a distance!

Kathabela Wilson




Thank you for all your dedication to The
Cherita and getting the journals out to
all of us each month. It’s a monumental
task and I wonder how you do it.

Taura Scott




Thank you ai li, for including my cherita in your latest edition.

A true honor, to be included with the wonderful poets here.

All the best,
Emalisa Rose



Thank you for your lovely journals and all of your dedication in getting them out
to us each month.

Taura Scott




Very interesting! They will help me to write in different way.

Partha Sarkar



Thank you ai Li.

A friend introduced me to the form and I am loving it. Thank you for creating the form.

Gauri Dixit




He continues writing and he thanks you from his heart! He says you have made a big difference in his life. . . the cherita journal . . . it makes him so happy and reading it cover to cover he learns a lot too!

Kathabela Wilson on James Haddad




some kind of magic
edition 4:9 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Wow! My first Cherita. Thanks for the great news.

Wishing you a wonderful day 🌻 Please take care and stay safe.

Elisa Theriana




I am encouraging many new-comers about Cherita. They love the genre you invented so fondly.

Warm regards
Pravat Kumar Padhy




Thanks for sending the precious things. I have read them. They are really excellent.

Partha Sarkar




Congratulations to your fantastic series of book publications!!!

And I’m very happy and grateful being published amongst such great authors and verses. Thank you for your hard work and speeded time on this lovely project again. Thousand thanks for the lighthouse award, so proud and happy!

Please stay safe and healthy!

With my warmest regards,

Isabella Kramer






edition 4:8 of the cherita
edited by ai li



Thank you for all the lovely journals you somehow manage to
produce in spite of all of this turmoil. They bring us all so much

Taura Scott




I just want to congratulate you on a magnificent effort!! Your books are full of lovely cherita and beautifully presented. Thank you from me! And happy New Year!
Gayle Sweeper😊




Greetings for the New Year! May this year be filled with hope, health, and happiness.

The year-that-shall-not-be-named is finally gone! Hope that it took all its baggage along, and that we can start afresh today.

Also, congratulations on your latest book! Hope 2021 will be a wonderful year for you as well as the cherita.

Barun Saha




All the very best for 2021! May happiness, good health, creativity and peace be yours in abundance.
Also, congratulations on nights; edition 4:8 of the cherita. May your gorgeous cherita form delight and soothe forever.

With Blessings and light,
Samantha Sirimanne Hyde




congratulations on the collection and best wishes for 2021!

Kind regards,

Steve Lang






on my way
edition 4:7 of the cherita
edited by ai li



I’m happy to report that I’ve already ordered the Kindle version of “on my way” and read it on my new Kindle reader.

In the midst of this tumultuous year, every issue of “the cherita” has helped provided a soul-anchor for this poet. Many thanks for all that you do to keep the storytelling flame alive and well.

And thanks for recognizing “blackbrush” with a cherita lighthouse…

Some of my favorites from this issue: Peter J’s “nothing/can save them,” Taura Scott’s “if I knew,” Katha Abela/Pauli Dutton’s “flooded street,” and Bryan Rickert’s “during quarantine.” And your “she lived/out/her life/of sorrow”—so moving!

May your holidays be filled with joy despite the chaos…

Cynthia Anderson




Can’t wait to read the new cherita journal!

Jackie Chou




Fantastic news!!! I’m so happy and grateful that my verses are part of this wonderful project!

Whatever is beautiful. Whatever is meaningful. Whatever brings you happiness. May it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

Isabella Kramer




Many thanks for the previous editions of the cherita. It feels like being with “old friends”, as I know some of them from their work and others I am getting familiar with.

I hope you and your family and friends have a peaceful Christmas and that the New Year will bring health to all.

Best wishes,
Patricia Prime




Greetings. Glad to receive a warm note from you. Also, doubly happy to see me included in your selections.

The following observations are verily true,
“Cherita has emerged from what was a twinkle in my eye to become this white crane that flies across the world to share its growing collection of timeless stories. I am humbled by its literary success.”

S. Radhamani




Thank you for publishing my humble rendition with your assistance.

In the meantime I will submit another shortly in the hope that I may have improved with your kind and generous guidance.

Much love,

Daniela Becher





Partha Sarkar





alone together
edition 4:6 of the cherita
edited by ai li


I want to say that I enjoyed “alone together”—my favorites include Ruth Kay’s poem “my heart hopes/you are invited,” Orrin’s “waving palm trees,” Patricia Prime’s “the lightning so swift,” Bryan Rickert’s “a letter from/the old country,” and your “born again icarus” (a powerful ending on that one!).

Cynthia Anderson





Thank you so much for letting me know about the new cherita book, Alone Together. Congratulations! Ruth Kay’s cherita, is lovely.

Warm regards,

Madhuri Pillai




Congratulations on your book. Being featured in your book is amazing.
Thank you so much for accepting my cherita. I’ll keep in touch.

Stay safe and well.

Maricris Cabrera




Book arrived today. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Daniela Becher




an old sadness
edition 4:5 of the cherita
edited by ai li


This edition is absolutely gorgeous. I really enjoyed reading through my copy — so many great poetic voices and interpretations/manifestations of the cherita form. Thank you again for generously including me.

connor orrico




Warmest thanks for this fantastic news. So grateful and excited. I can’t wait to hold the book in my hands.

isabella kramer




Thank you so much for the newsletter. I was so surprised and honoured that you showed my cherita . . . as an example!

I have posted and shared the link all around.

Sherry Grant




Greetings. Glad to receive your note about new publications. In a phased manner, i shall have the privileges of reviewing each book. I purchased. I am delighted to be featured . i shall have the privilege of reviewing ” from my window”, which bought via kindle and reading . . Your inspiration always cheering , takin me to higher level.

with regards





leave me here
edition 4:4 of the cherita
edited by ai li


This is a beautiful collection.

Thank you so much. More power to you and the cherita.

Maricris Cabrera




I loved the cover of the journal and cherita featured.

Warm regards,
Madhuri Pillai




I’m thrilled to be a part of leave me here amongst such great authors!

Isabella Kramer




Congratulations on launching leave me here edition 4:4 of the cherita. I wish you and your gorgeous cherita much light and the very best wishes.

Samantha Sirimanne Hyde




Many thanks for awarding the Cherita Lighthouse to one of my cherita in leave me here. I look forward to reading the book.

Mary Gunn



Great to see the launch of yet another of your new journal!

Sherry Grant




Felicitations for “leave me here”.

Rita Malhotra





i heard it first
edition 4:3 of the cherita
edited by ai li


just wanted to let you know that I already ordered and received this, and have read through it more than once, as is my wont with your volumes of cherita. My favorite among many in this issue: “and then it came to me/like tumblers/falling/into place/she loves/me not”

I love what you say here: “The campfire was not doused, and nor did any storyteller shirk from continuing this ancient legacy of passing on our stories to whoever is entranced by the sheer power of words that remind us we are human, and in this cosmos together.” A reason for living!

And I do appreciate having the option to order print copies of “the cherita.” For me, it’s difficult to read everything on a screen. I like having an actual physical book for bedtime reading!

Cynthia Anderson





So we all need good news and your endless energy and creativity is a great inspiration to me. Thousand thanks for this. I’m very grateful that you published my cherita among such wonderful and talented authors and I feel deeply honored that I go a cherita lighthouse. Thanks for making my day . . .

Isabella Kramer






Greetings. Always a pleasure to read contributions of Cherita every edition and to know more about ” i heard it first”and your migration to personal website. very interesting indeed.How rhyming it sounds . . .  —





very inspiring with the names of creators. My congratulation to all those featured.

The writer has woven a miraculously beautiful cherita /story based upon cream leaving more speculation for readers .

a cream scone

sliced in half
jam or cream

the debate
of what first
lazy days

Joanna Ashwell


with regards




this edition is lovely

Connor Orrico




How in short form of versification, called Cherita, we see a new world, the ENTIRE CREDIT GOES TO YOU.

S. Radhamani






from my window
edition 4:2 of the cherita
edited by ai li


I finally managed to grab a copy of the cherita 4:2 and go (still going) through it. Once again, this edition weaves together another marvelous collection of cherita poems!

In this beautiful bouquet of stories, I found your “yards of saris” poem to be amazing! As an Indian, I think the word “sari’ created an instant connection. Apart from that, I found its closing stanza, with layers of different interpretations, to be very powerful. One can almost visualize that as the women wash their saris, each of their own stories create a ripple in the river, and at the end, all those ripples merge together to create one new story.

I’m also thankful for the cherita lighthouse award! It’s an honor to find my name in a list of such accomplished cherita poets!

I look forward to reading many more beautiful cherita in the coming months!

Barun Saha




This more than generous review below of from my window, edition #4:3 of the cherita was posted on Amazon.com on 7 July 2020 in the US. As I have no idea as to who the reviewer is, I hope he or she will accept my grateful thanks for his or her kind support, and for taking the time to pen a few lines for Amazon.com.

ai li



the review of from my window on Amazon.com

‘5.0 out of 5 stars full of the beauty of story & the ephemeral within the concrete

Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2020
Verified Purchase

a gorgeous book — one, writing as a bibliophile, whose quality gives me joy while holding it in my hands — full of gorgeous short-form poetry (cherita, specifically) and space enough (metaphorical yes, but I mean literally) for reflection or the soft serenity of a pause — a breath.

i am glad i have this book in my life.’




Your books are always so beautiful!

Giddy Nielsen-Sweep






I am honoured and inspired. It will help me to write better and better.

Partha Sarkar




Greetings. Delighted to know about Cherita lighthouse and it is not an exaggeration to
say that all credits go you,your meticulous, systematic efforts. Going through the mention of your linked form Septenga which you jointly created with Alexis K Rotella, informs how dedicated you are to Literature, creative forms etc..

Gratifying to know that i am included in ‘From my window’. Every day reading the examples of Cherita, an impetus for me. More and more from your ebullient pen. Assuring you of my best of my service shortly.

with regards




Thank you for everything, including the generous cherita lighthouse award. I ordered a copy 🙂

Connor Orrico






Maricris Cabrera





I got the Kindle edition and enjoyed every poem in it.

Best regards

Jackie Chou




Just ordered it , and what a great cover, I love it!

I am happy to be among wonderful cherita lighthouse awardees!
Many thanks.

Best to you,

Erika Wilk






a sense of place
anniversary edition 1997 – 2020
edition 4:1 of the cherita
edited by ai li


Congratulations to your own new book and my heartfelt congratulations to the 23rd anniversary!!! Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean, time fly and I cannot believe how fast.

I’m so very grateful to being amongst such wonderful authors and looking forward to hold the books between my hands and enjoy them.

Thanks a million for all your marvellous work end endless energy!

Huge hugs

isabella kramer






Thank you for sharing your beautiful cherita poems, hope you are keeping safe and well
Love Laura Wood





Thank you for the deeply moving sequencing as a community story!

And for treasuring the individual stories and giving us all a home!

Kathabela Wilson






Congratulations on the long poetic journey of Cherita and your relentless endeavour. I hope you and your family are doing well.

Pravat Kumar Padhy





Profound greetings. Delighted to view two quality publications and equally pleased to view the cover design, so pleasing and inspiring. Also so gratifying to know that I am included in your prestigious publication – annual publication.Indeed honored and humbled.

. . . I will be doing injustice to myself if my library does NOT OWN A COPY of each publication. 

With your permission to comment upon the following :


on the river

the stillness of a heron
this moment

as if the clocks
had stopped forever

Patricia Prime

flow of river / with the stillness of heron-and Time -in other words eternity coming to end for a while in the clock image. Amazing indeed.

In the next section ,

visual image/ eye capturing – in ” shapes of moving smoke” so beautifully drawn

incense burner
the room
alive with
the shapes
of moving smoke

ai li



With regards





Thank you for your beautiful work. We love the new cherita journal and your new book too.

. . . thank you for your constant work, encouragement and inspiration. It is amazing–the beauty and light that can be created with our stories during these “dark days”…

Kathabela Wilson






it’s a secret place
edition 3:12
of the cherita


Thank you for all your work and inspiration!

Kathabela Wilson





and still
edition 3:11
of the cherita


I think back fondly of my early days in Asian short form, how I seized upon the cherita like an overly enthusiastic child, and found myself partners with two short-form luminaries before I knew how to walk! I am very happy for you and pleased that I played a small role in launching your cherita journal, which has been such a rousing success due to your hard work and dedication.

Michael H Lester






Warmest thanks for this great news during this special hard times. I’m very happy and thrilled to have my cherita among these fantastic verses and I’m so very thankful for this wonderful possibility to grow as an author.

I can’t stay home, because I’m a healthcare worker and it is a very tiring and busy time in our practice. All people are very unsettled and fearful. And yes, we are fearful too.

So the sunlight of your kind mail fills my morning just at the right time.

Huge thanks and some warm hugs for you from

Isabella Kramer






Hi. I am so impressed by your continued effort. I am following your every success. Congratulations to you and the cherita.
Let me take this opportunity to say thank you for having me featured in the night.

Thank you so much. And stay safe.

Maricris Cabrera





I’ve ordered “and still” from amazon and it should be here in a few days. Looking forward to it—an island of sanity in an increasingly insane world!

I’m continuing to write cherita daily, safe at home with my husband and cat. I hope you too are safe and well.

All the best, Cynthia Anderson




Congratulations on launching and still edition 3:11 of the cherita – as always, I wish you and the beautiful cherita all the very best. Hope it soars around the globe.

Do keep safe, well and strong, my dear ai li.

Samantha Sirimanne Hyde




Congratulations. Always enjoy reading it.

Lovely cherita by Tia.

Madhuri Pillai




pls continue with your wonderful journal & other creative

stay safe healthy & blessed! namaste

pamela a. babusci




It’s always a pleasure to have the cherita to read. What would we do without friends and books at this miserable time.

Patricia Prime




With the current Covid-19 world health problems, now it is the best time to work at home peacefully with no distractions. Like reading your poem occasionally.

Anderson Teo





I enjoyed reading the poetry in The Cherita.

Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal





the night
edition 3:10
of the cherita



Congrats ai li

Alexis Rotella




I’m grateful to be included in “the night.” I’ve ordered it, as well as your new book, from amazon. I’m continuing to write cherita every day. Many thanks for the ongoing inspiration you have brought into my life!

All the best, Cynthia Anderson




Congratulations on the publication of ‘the night’ and ‘keepsake’.

Madhuri Pillai




– glad to hear about your latest book –

paula song sarmonpal




Congratulations! . I am honoured.

Partha Sarkar




Thanks again for including me!

Pamela Shea





Caroline Skanne




dream journal
edition 3:9
of the cherita



I’m continuing to write cherita nearly every day. All gratitude to you for creating this inspirational form.

Cynthia Anderson




I am so happy with the beautiful new journal . . . We had a great session of reading the journal– from the beginning and feeling the progression! Thank you for using my “dream journal” as a title!!

Kathabela Wilson




Hearty congratulations.

Partha Sarkar



Oh, what an amazing experience and great adventure you have had!! Sounds like a dream for me and I can’t wait to read your cherita about wonderful trip. I love Asia so very much!!

And one more WOW and a great thank you to you, I’m deeply grateful for receiving a Cherita lighthouse award!! You made my day!! I will order the dream journal immediately.

Many thanks for the information and for all!

Isabella Kramer




Thank you for your very interesting email. Congratulations again for editing I am sure is another wonderful cherita journal.

Your dedication to this art form is amazing.

Madhuri Pillai




It was good to hear from you ai li.. and what a wonderful journey you describe.. I look forward to reading the fruits of all you have seen and experienced in cherita form…

And thank you for the cherita lighthouse for one of my contributions in dream journal.. It is a real boost to be awarded such a commendation..

Hope you feel energised from your travels and ready for spring in London..

Maryalicia Post




Wow! What an amazing and adventurous place of interests you’ve visited. Look forward to these wonderful pictures and places with your incoming new poems. Thank You for sharing Ai Li.

Anderson Teo



Great news, congratulations! I can’t wait to read it…

Caroline Skanne




a home for the wind
edition 3:8
of the cherita


Thank you ai li. I so appreciate that you awarded me with the cherita lighthouse for a home for the wind. I’m honored.

Wishing you a Happy Holiday and a safe and peaceful New Year. God bless.

Pat Geyer




That’s such a lovely early Christmas gift!!!
Many thanks for this wonderful news. I will immediately order the book at Amazon.

The gift of love. The gift of peace. The gift of happiness. May all these be yours at Christmas.

Best wishes for Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year.

Isabella Kramer




Greetings. This morning a big bonanza from you, by way of the delightful news about Cherita, A Home for the wind, the title itself is so inspiring and exhilarating.The image of wind so wonderfully selected by your ebullient quill. Indeed honored to be featured to be among so many talented and consistent writers.

Also delighted o know about your 29 th book ‘ Dream merchant’ sixth book of Cherita, It is really God’s gift and your diligence and commitment taking you to such dizzy heights. Wishing you good luck in your launch of Cherita to coincide with your New Year celebrations. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavor.

with regards




I just ordered a few copies of the new cherita journal. Thank you so much for appreciating our work. I just told Taura about the special honor, and I feel so happy that so many of our poets are in the new journal.

Thank you for filling this time with cherita celebrations.
As our stories unfold.

Love and close camaraderie,

Kathabela Wilson




A little note to wish you a happy Christmas, and to thank you for my lighthouse in the lovely January issue of the cherita. Congratulations on your new book release as well! You are an amazing inspiration to me.

Wishing you a contented and creative new year, filled with the joy that is cherita!

love and light,
Debbie Strange





Thank you for the new issue! And congratulations on your sixth cherita book, that’s a stellar achievement!

It was a pleasure to work with you this year, and a new journey for me in the world of cherita. I hope to keep going in the coming days as well.

Wishing you a merry Christmas and a very happy New Year ahead! Hope you have a great holiday season!

Barun Saha





rush of wings
edition 3:7
of the cherita



Antonietta Losito




love the journal. best this
holiday season. 🐌

Stanford Forrester




Many thanks for the latest cherita, which I look forward to reading.

Thanks also for all your work collating the poems over the past year and more.

I hope you enjoy the holidays and have a peaceful New Year.

Patricia Prime





Just dropping you a line to congratulate you on rush of wings 3:7 of the cherita.

With light and warmest wishes for this holiday season and may your creative efforts continue to soar in 2020…

Samantha Sirimanne Hyde




Now that I have I retired, I may have more time to write Cherita.

Warm wishes,
Madhuri Pillai




I ordered 4 copies print.

Kathabela Wilson




Delighted to receive a note about the Dec.edition of Cherita, featuring so many Cherita poets of experience and repute. I am quite a beginner to this genre, yet pleased to be in the featured list. The bookshop cover page is very interesting. In due course i shall read and comment upon the edition.

Going through the example, by Carol Purington, question connecting time and eternity, in brief compressing a tale. Looking round for future more and more from Cherita.


If I forget

to buy a battery
for my watch

will I
be late
for eternity?

Carol Purington





Thank you very much ai li for the Lighthouse award.. it is such a boost!

Maryalicia Post




the storyteller
edition #3:6 of the cherita

edited by ai li


Greetings. What a pleasant surprise this morning, to receive a note from about the collaborative of edition 3:7 of the cherita and delighted to view the contributors in this wonderful Gift to all lovers of Cherita world. To quote Ai Li,

“It can be read as one storybook but also as an anthology of individual poems. Two reading experiences within one book, filled with stories of Life, Love and Loss.”

A delectable introduction into the new world. Going through the fine
example of Patricia Prime,

through the sunset rain

a rainbow crown
on the nearby hills

of my mother’s voice
calling us home

Viewing the sunset rain through the eyes of the poet, hills adorned with a rainbow, —ultimate reach of a memory and voice, recollection and depiction in a hill of his mother, so much could be elongated, there lies the beauty of this capturing moment of story telling.

Hill is an embodiment of thrill and sad moments of the poet’s life. A fine experience.

with regards





It is always my honor to have my work published by you.

Jackie Chou




I bought six copies of storyteller
We love it and will get more as gifts. Thank you for the beautiful dedication.

Kathabela Wilson





PS i love the garden sound poem!

wendy c. bialek


garden sound

empty birdhouse
on a branch

there was

Deborah P Kolodji and ai li







in the night
the 31st edition of the cherita

edited by ai li


Dear ai li,

You will especially be happy to know that Thursday we began reading aloud the current cherita journal  “in the night” around the table at our meeting at Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden! We did this so we can really follow and feel the larger story you create with our small stories!

We will continue to follow that larger story each week –and read around our  poetic “campfire” to the end! We always read from “the cherita” at meetings but this is the first time we have done it this way. Wonderful! 

Love from Kath Abela Wilson


Greetings. Delighted to be included in this prestigious Journal Cherita and to know about recent edition of IN THE NIGHT .I am indeed honored and humbled by your kind gesture.Going through the previous issues – a rewarding and educative experience . Soon to get back to you after i visit Amazon and to be a regular contributor to this wonderful journal.



These are really great news! Warmest thanks for all your work on it. Looks fantastic and I have just ordered one on Amazon, will arrive till 5.10.19 – I’m looking forward and are very thankful and proud to be one of your featured authors.

Isabella Kramer


Such exciting news, I feel honored to be awarded the cherita lighthouse. Many thanks ai li!
Looking forward to in the night, edition 3:5 of the cherita.

Erika Wilk






wondering where
the thirtieth edition of the cherita

edited by ai li


Once again, it’s my honor to be published in your lovely and amazing journal.

Jackie Chou





It is great to see such great representation of cherita poets from all over the world.

BTW, I am finding the cherita form to be adaptable to all types of subject matter.

I greatly appreciate your support of my writing!

Peter Jastermsky





coming home late
the twenty ninth edition of the cherita

edited by ai li


. . . we love your new compilation we savored two copies of Coming Home Late at the meeting yesterday and inspired others. Thank you for making the journal and sequencing the cherita so beautifully  . . .

Kathabela Wilson




Greetings. Going through all the wonderful contributions, delighted indeed. Inspiring to read many tales in short form. I shall contribute to the ensuing journal.

Sarma Radhamani



I cannot wait to receive my copy! I was happy to see it on Amazon already 🙂

Rachel M. Mckee




 . . . good job

Angela Giordano




a dream of sleep
the twenty eighth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


I just browsed through the issue 3.2 of the cherita; it has a wonderful collection!

Larry’s cherita is beautiful — and in just so few words! I also liked your “open air stage.” I have been following Mark’s and Michael’s poems in Twitter for some time, and I’m fond of their style. I like their poems in this issue as well. I hope I’d have some time next week to have a better look at the journal.

Of course, I’m excited to find my poems in this beautiful collection as well! I’m also thankful to you for introducing me via the announcement

Barun Saha




Thank you for sharing the encouraging story of a newer writer and Larry Kimmel’s succinct and thought-provoking work.  Best wishes with your latest issue and happy summer.

Joan Stern




Many thanks for the new cherita. I look forward to reading them.

Patricia Prime




……..i was delightfully surprised to see my cherita as example of work….thanks……..-

Larry Kimmel




Congratulations ai li!! I love that title… 

Caroline Skanne




Thank you ai li, another beautiful collection.


I am honoured to be part of it – and especially by the ‘cherita lighthouse’ designation..

Maryalicia Post






 . . . I love the title,

a dream of sleep!

Kathabela Wilson





your bring me
the anniversary and twenty seventh edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


Congratulations on the latest cherita book..and on the cherita anniversary. A wonderful accomplishment…!

Maryalicia Post




Thank you so much for awarding me the Cherita lighthouse honour in ‘You Bring me’ – I am touched. I love reading and writing Cherita, it is a very special form.

Wishing you all the best with your new book and ongoing writing.

Joanna Ashwell




Thank you dear Ai Li for all the work you do in bringing the cherita to us all.

Patricia Prime




Happy anniversary and congratulations on launching two new books as well. Big cheers- Joan Stern




Wanted to wish you well on your launch of the anniversary issue of cherita, “you bring me” and your two new releases….”finding the magic” and “i remember the night”.

And Happy Anniversary!

wendy c. bialek




Congratulations ai li and thank you.

Pat Geyer




I follow your work with great pleasure . . .

Ron Scully




the new cherita journal looks wonderful! I love the sequencing. And very inspiring.

Kathabela Wilson




Let me begin by congratulating you on the third birthday of the cherita and 22 years of the genre!

Although I have been reading cherita from time to time in Atlas Poetica, your website, and elsewhere, I never attempted to compose any until this year. You can say it was kind of a new year resolution to practice the cherita form.

Barun Saha




I really love this form. I am trying to make it better by reading and writing!
Thank you so much!!

Neha Talreja





morning light
the twenty sixth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


Congratulations on the Cherita reaching its 22nd birthday – I love reading the Cherita editions, long may it continue.
Joanna Ashwell




Anyway, enough of all that, so let me say how nice it is to hear from you from time to time telling how your activities are going and about the continued success of The Cherita – congratulations on getting this form so well established. I did read a selection of mine at Chichester Open Mic a few weeks ago and folk seemed to be generally impressed, and I still continue to encourage others to try their hand at writing some.
Geoffrey Winch




It is fascinating to tell a micro story in 6-line format to rejuvenate a different kind of literary firmament.
Pravat Kumar Padhy




a warm night
the twenty fifth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li



I am more than pleased that you value my small gift so highly! I would so very much liked to have been there. And it was almost possible (being so ’nearby’- as the crow and Ryanair fly) but in the end, not possible.. I trusted the flowers to bring my support..

I have already downloaded ‘a warm night’ and look forward to reading it as usual..

Maryalicia Post




Extra excellence poems . . . Like your light house, White butterfly and the Moon tonight. Elegant English language with wonderful imaginary perspectives.

Anderson Teo




Many thanks for news about the new cherita.

I enjoyed reading your piece about the lecture. It sounds wonderful (wish I could have been there!). Lovely to receive such a thoughtful bouquet, too.

Patricia Prime




Thanks so much for my lighthouse in the March issue – a wonderful surprise! Thanks also for including me in the April issue. I’ve yet to read it, but I know it will be up to your usual high standard!

Debbie Strange




Thank you for the cherita update . . . I enjoy reading them . . .

Madhuri Pillai






leaves blown
the twenty fourth edition of the cherita
edited by ai l


Wow! Another masterpiece! Congratulations! Thank You Miss Ai Li. Like your amazing simple English language poetry talk at recent Peranakan Museum in Singapore. It was very very arty to understand with feelings. It reminded me of my belated English literature teacher, Mr Dudley DeSouza who once taught me on poetry during my secondary school days that I miss dearly.

Also miss my Spanish, General Manager, Mr Lionel De Rosario who writes with wonderful Oxford English(like you) during his suffering in ww2 during the 🇯🇵 3-1/2 years Occupation in Singapore and the Prisoner of War in building the Thailand railway bridge over River Kwai.

Keep up your wonderful works. It’s really Extra Excellence Work on Poetry Art.

Anderson Teo




Congratulations on Leaves Blown, which I just ordered . . .
Michael H Lester





the sound of water
the twenty third edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


I shall love to read to fine tune the new genre . . . I loved your Cherita cited as an example in the mail.
Pravat Padhy Kumar


Best wishes with your reprising your “once upon a cherita” lecture and with the “sound and water” edition. Happy Year of the Pig!
Cheers- Joan Stern


I ordered “In my palm” and “Whisper me free”.
Next time, I will order “Sound of water”!
Anne France Stevenson


Hi ai li, I’ve been meaning to write to you & say congrats on the latest cherita as well as your successful lecture! Wow, what an honour for you (& them for having you!). I hope your time away has been just fantastic & look forward to hearing all about it when you return to London! 🙂
Caroline Skanne


Congratulations, ai li!

My how time flies!

I’ve ordered my hard copy and kindle!

Best wishes,
Michael H Lester


Thank you for all news regarding Cherita and the link to the sound of water.
Madhuri Pillai






whisper me free
the twenty second edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


Congrats, ai li, on getting this out ahead of schedule.  May you feel relaxed and free of the c during your travel and all best fortune with your lecture. Larry Kimmel


As always, congratulations on another fine issue of the cherita! There is some very nice work in there, including your protégés!

Thank you for anchoring this issue with a cherita lighthouse for my dancing naked in the woodhenge! I have ordered my print copy and already have the kindle on my phone.

It’s hard to believe a new year is upon us!

Happy Holidays!
Michael H Lester


Many many thanks for your lovely greetings card.

Also, congratulations on the launch of ‘whisper me free’ which I look forward to reading soon.

Again, my warmest wishes for an enjoyable Christmas and a super 2019 – may it be full of happiness, good health, great spirits and creativity. I’ll be thinking of you on the 7th January as you give your lecture at Peranakan Museum – I know you’ll shine bright!

With light,
Samantha Sirimanne Hyde


Many thanks for the new cherita and for sharing your stories will so many people.

Have a great Christmas and enjoy your trip. I expect you’ll have plenty of inspiration from your travels.

Love, Patricia Prime


thank you so much. It was truly an honour for me to be a part of this issue.

Wishing you a blessed new year! 
Hifsa Ashraf



much love
gillena cox


Susanna Copelli




ai li’s forthcoming lecture in singapore in january 2019


This is going to be a wonderful opportunity for you to put a spotlight on the cherita and the work you have done. Singapore is one of the great cities of the world and the perfect setting for this event, a nexus of both East and West commercial, cultural and spiritual energies. The Peranakan Museum is one of the city’s great jewels. Enjoy your visit and “knock their socks off”! I know you can do it.

Long live the cherita,

Michael McClintock, USA


Thank you for the invitation. I’ve disseminated your invitation to all the MC members of Gunong Sayang Association.

We’ll be there to support you. Can’t wait to catch up.


Alvin Teo, President Gunong Sayang Association, Singapore


I am so pleased for you. Your lecture blurb is impressive. . . . Spirit seems to have blessed cherita.

And congrats on we cannot go back.

Larry Kimmel, USA


Wow, how wonderful that you’ve been invited to give this lecture at the famous Peranakan Museum!

Here’s wishing you all good things in life for the festive season and hope you have a wonderful and creative 2019! I’m specially sending you my good thoughts for the upcoming trip to Singapore and your talk at Peranakan Museum.

Samantha Sirimanne Hyde, Australia



This is great news, ai li. It sounds like you have a superb presentation to offer, One question: is your talk going to be taped, either audio or video? I think the material would be of great interest and utility to all of the cherita writers out there. We know their numbers increase every day. Even a transcript of your talk would be a gift.

Peter Jastermsky, USA


This is so wonderful ! The honour is so well deserved. I totally admire your work. How rewarding to be able to go back and further enrich your heritage.
I am so happy for this.

Many Congratulations !

Love and light,

Arvinder Kaur, India


What a wonderful honour to be invited to give a lecture at the museum, and in Singapore too.
Robert Horrobin, France


I appreciate your kind gesture – to share with me information about upcoming cultural event in Singapore. I’m happy for you to go there spreading message of inner spaces by introducing to the audience your own experience, expressed by cherita, haiku, tanka etc..

Arturas Silanskas, Lithuania


… I am so happy for you that you will be giving this lecture.. I can only imagine the warmth and strength you will feel from the audience… What a wonderful way to start your year.

All my best wishes will be with you… Your lecture will be a success for sure.

Maryalicia Post, Ireland


I hope you get a lot of people turning up to hear your wonderful stories.

I look forward to reading your third Cherita book, it is heartening to see that the form has been so embraced in our poetic community.

Joanna Ashwell, UK


That is So Exciting… I wish ourselves there!!
Kathabela Wilson, USA


Congratulations on being an invited speaker for this prestigious organization.
Good to be reminded about how much you’ve done.
Marvelous photos.
To the cherita!

George Swede, Canada


Well done and congratulations for your upcoming lecture in Singapore 🇸🇬 and your third book 📚
You have worked very hard and deserve your success ✨
Laura Wood 🌈, UK


Thank you and I am honored to be there.
Irene Cheng, Singapore


Congratulations, ai li!

On the lecture and the third book.

Break a leg!

Michael H Lester, USA


Many thanks for sharing your piece with me. I look forward to listening to the talk.

I hope you have a wonderful time in Singapore and that the lecture goes well. I loved the story about your mother’s personal collection being on display.

I was in Singapore for a few days 40 years ago, when on my way to NZ with my husband and four small children – now all grown and married!

Look forward to reading your new book.

All the best,
Patricia Prime, New Zealand


i do wish i could be there.
Stanford Forrester USA


Many congratulations! Ai li. It is a great honour. I had been to Singapore in 1995. It is beautiful place.
Pravat Kumar Padhy, India


Congratulations, ai li! Your blurb is lovely, and I know that the lecture will be a huge success, inspiring all who attend to try their hand at cherita!

love and light,
Debbie Strange, Canada


Congratulations on the launch of your new cherita book. I am sure it will be a masterpiece.

Attending the lecture is truly a wonderful opportunity that one should not miss.

Hifsa Ashraf, Pakistan


This sounds wonderful – how very exciting for you.

I look forward to hearing more about it.

Your plans for your event in January sounds very exciting. I hope it is all that you hope for and sorry I cannot be there to share it with you.

You will be only brilliant.

Ruth Corman, UK and Israel


have a wonderful SINGAPORE safe trip( to and from) so excited for you….wish it could be televised live with feedback and input from all. Spread the story, spread the joy.

love and hugs,
Wendy Bialek, USA


Congratulations. I rejoice at your lucky chance and wish you full success!

Vasile Moldovan, Romania


This sounds like a wonderful event. I would love to be there if I was in Singapore. Enjoy!

Allyson Chen, USA


Congratulations, that is lovely and a chance to spread the word about Cherita and the other forms that you write.

Joanna Ashwell, UK


Congratulations Ai Li, fantastic news. really happy things are working out for you. Great opportunity. Wish you all the best. Much love 😊😊

Susanna Copelli, UK




pamela a. babusci, usa


Congratulations on your being honored to lecture at the famed museum in Singapore and launching your third book. Thank you for sharing highlights of each with us. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, enjoy the holiday weekend—you have much for which to be grateful.

Big cheers- Joan Stern, USA


I wish you all the best for the presentation.
Antonietta Losito, Italy


Well done Ai Li!!
Tyroon Win, UK


Thank you for the invitation to your lecture in Singapore. Congratulations to you and I wish so much that I could be there to meet you and hear your voice.

Please have a wonderful time and I wish you all the very best.

Rich blessings,

Gayle Sweeper 🌻, Australia


Congratulations and all the best for 7th Jan. I am sure it will be very successful event.

Warm regards,
Madhuri Pillai, Australia


Unfortunately I am not in a position to travel to SIngapore at the moment. But wish you all the best upon the
occasion of your lecture there in the Peranakan Museum on 7th January 2019.

Susan Mary Wade, UK



Cherita is doing so well as a poetic form and you have created something that will stay. 

Wishing you the very best in your Singapore event. 

lots of love,
Kala Ramesh, India


Excited for your Jan talk!

Melissa Gordziej, USA


. . . thank you and congratulations. Finally the Peranakan museum have got their act together.
Sharmaine Tong, Australia




snow ghosts
the twentieth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


Congratulations on snow ghosts with its hauntingly evocative cover!
Samantha Sirimanne Hyde


My congratulations, dear Ai Li.
I love it.
Antonietta Losito


Congratulations on another fine issue of the c. I have already purchased both the print and the digital edition.

Also, congratulations on discovering and nurturing a new cherita poet!
Michael H Lester


. . . congratulations for another successful edition of Cherita.
Madhuri Pillai


Thank you, dear ai li, for publishing our cherita and for the beautiful card.
Patricia Prime







the stories
the nineteenth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


The Cherita journal continues to go from strength to strength and is a welcome addition to the haiku and tanka canon.

Inside this beautifully produced book = gems nestle such as: underground whispers/the stream where spring/is sleeping/are we the stones/ washed smooth by time/tumbled by dreams

stay a while longer/and I’ll dim/ the lights/ slip into/ your space/ for desire

Take the time to linger in these pages and let the Cherita inside flourish.

Joanna Ashwell on Amazon




General Comments


It’s great to see how Cherita is thriving and developing, most of which is down to yourself, and look forward to reading more. . .
Robert Horrobin

Once again, it is my honor to be published in your beautiful journal!
Jackie Chou

No one is more passionate than you are about the cherita and about Asian short form poetry in general. I learned that early on! I applaud you for that. Michael H Lester

Thank you for keeping us posted about your dedicated work to keep cherita thriving. Best wishes with your new writing class.
Joan E. Stern




taste of rain
the eighteenth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


Thank you ai li for another beautiful volume..taste of rain. Maryalicia Post


I ‘ll read all the cherita of taste of rain carefully with a great pleasure. Antonietta Losito


Thank you for the announcement about a “taste of rain” and including my work in the edition.  Congratulations as well on migrating your kindle books into paperback on Amazon.  I do not know how you manage to be so productive.  Keep up the splendid work-  Joan Stern




General Comments


Thank you for the great news. I look forward to seeing all three of my Cherita in your journals. Michael H. Browsnstein

. . . you do so much in the publishing work… Goda V. Bendoraitiene


You know, i am  having keen interest in  Cherita  as a poetic form and enjoy your initiative. Sarma Radhamani




pieces of sky
the seventeenth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


Today, I received my hard copy of pieces of sky and read many of the poems just flipping through its pages until I can sit with it and read it all the way through. It’s beautiful. Thank you for making my Zen Master cherita a cherita lighthouse and including my three cherita in this edition of the cherita journal. Michael H Lester


Congratulations on the latest addition to your cherita collections.  Continue to have a productive summer.  Joan Stern


Thank you very much once again for selecting all my cherita for this summer edition, for the kind messages about new cherita  editions. I have got shadow dancer and i find one cloud so far and I have read them more than once. I really enjoy every story and admire joining them into one, that only confirms my belief – the very being is poetry. Cherita sparks the reminiscences.

I expect I will get the other cherita editions from time to time as well. 
Goda V. Bendoraitiene






i find one cloud
the sixteenth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


As ai li continues the cherita saga I find myself impressed by her editing and sequencing skills, making each chapter of this ongoing adventure a story made of many stories.
Larry Kimmel


. . . the latest issue of the cherita is beautiful, thanks for the honour of including my poems . . .
Caroline Skanne







I am very happy that you picked my poem for an honourable mention. This in itself and the fact that it will feature in Chrissi L. Villa’s frameless sky is more than I could have ever wished for. I am honoured.

I am so glad that you liked the spiritual aspect in my cherita – it is about loss and grief in the season of renewal – spring. Your reading of it as a dream gives another unexpected perspective, as the dream bar-do is one of the six threshold stages in our life, which presents an unique opportunity to discover the heart of Buddha’s teachings.

The 3 winning poems as well as the other two honourable mentions are inspirational and show the range of themes and style that cherita offers a poet. 

With appreciation,
Sonam Chhoki




I posted this on Facebook about your choices

“Exquisite choices in this cherita contest Timelessness, silence and space float, opens for a moment its wings in every one, moments of tranformation. Nicholas David Klacsanzky, wonderful thank you. This is love.”

I know it was hard for you but you accomplished, emphasized  this sensitive creative point.  

The choices really all have that.

Kathabela Wilson




I am so happy about this.. it means a great deal to me.. thank you for having such understanding in your heart! Maryalicia Post





Thank you so much for the great news! I am very happy with the Second Prize and your kind comment about my cherita. Nature has been close to me since childhood,  even then without knowing what Zen was I saw how much it showed and taught — best life philosophy; naturally it comes into my haiku and now — into cherita, together with the life experience.  

Dear Ai Li, thank you once more for this wonderful subtle form — cherita and for the possibility to take part in the cherita contest.

Goda V. Bendoraitiene




I am honored to receive third place in the Mad About Cherita Contest, and I am very happy that you selected this cherita of mine. It stems from a very personal experience. Nicholas Klacsanzky




Great news, thank you so much! Gabriel Bates




This is a surprise! Thank you very much for picking my cherita as one of the honourable mentions in the contest. I am truly honoured and encouraged. Sonam Chhoki




Thank you so much for the HM and for the honour of having these seven cherita chosen for the journal! You’ve made my day!
Debbie Strange




What you’ve created is so much larger than winners and losers. Andrew Riutta




I’ve just looked at Frameless Sky, good choices.  And a good range of style and subject are represented here, showing the cherita’s versatility.  I’m glad to see that Maryalicia Post is at the top of the list.  A very good choice.  I also especially liked Gabriel Bates’s cherita.  Your own two cherita where a joy to encounter, again. 

That would be difficult, selecting six from 400, but you did an admirable job.

Larry Kimmel




I think of not winning a contest as an opportunity to  study the work of others and become better myself. 
Gregory Longenecker




There has been a joy of participation. It ignites the poetic fire within.
I wish you a good time ahead in your poetic journey.
Pravat Kumar Padhy




This is good news, I am looking forward to reading the awarded Cherita, I never find it discouraging if I’m not successfully in competitions, and can only applaud the winning entries.
Marilyn Humbert




I have judged many competitions and I know how difficult it can be to narrow down to just a few choices  🙂
Ron C. Moss




Sending rejections is not the most pleasant of tasks!

The contest was a great idea and I was happy to be able to participate.

I am pleased for you and for Chrissi for the attention it brings to the two of you, to your journals, and to the cherita form.

The competition was fierce and it must be very hard to choose only six out of hundreds of entries!
Michael H Lester




I can guess how difficult it can be to judge and to select. I find it difficult even to vote and to award marks when we have to do that during contests.

In awe and admiration
Arvinder Kaur






shadow dancer
the anniversary fifteenth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


Congratulations of reaching 21 year milestone.  An exciting achievement.

Its also wonderful to hear how Cherita is spreading through different countries.  There is nothing more exciting than reading other people’s thoughts.

Thank you for your hard work and perseverance.

Wishing you many more milestones in the coming years.
Marilyn Humbert


Congratulations on the launch of anniversary edition of cherita. You are an inspiration when it comes to working hard. Keep up the good work. May the sunshine of cherita always warm our hearts. Arvinder Kaur

It’s always such a pleasure to see what the latest Cherita book holds.. and never a disappointment….  
Maryalicia Post


Many thanks for the info re shadow dancer and for your delightful card. A lovely image to receive on a chilly day in NZ.
Patricia Prime


congratulations! how exciting! Caroline Skanne


A BIG CONGRATS!! Pamela A. Babusci



It was wonderful reading it this morning before work.
Nicholas Klacsanzky





not a memory, exactly,
the fourteenth edition of the cherita
edited by ai li


today, reading ‘not a memory, exactly,’ i thought: “the cherita … one year old …
12 issues … moving from strength to strength … “

well done, ai li, well done.

Larry Kimmel


I bought the most recent version of the cherita journal, print and digital, a couple of days after publication and read it cover to cover. It’s a beauty, just like all the ones before it. Thank you for including my cherita.

Michael H Lester




no sat nav … no map … no regrets and be amazed
the second and fourth edition of the cherita
edited by Larry Kimmel


Many thanks ai li, for the update! And what an extraordinary achievement, getting the editions ‘migrated’. Your ‘cherita followers’ have much to be grateful for.
Maryalicia Post


A great project! Don Baird


Thank you for the announcement, and congratulations. Robert Epstein




on a quiet street
the thirteenth edition of the cherita



You work so intensely on the cherita.. I always feel thanks are not enough..this edition of the journal is, as ever,  exquisite and thoroughly readable.. Maryalicia Post


congrats, ai li …. you’re the gift that keeps on giving.  Alexis Rotella


I just finished reading the kindle version of on a quiet street. The poems are wonderful and the artwork stunning. Thank you for making my autumn leaves a cherita lighthouse, and congratulations on another beautiful issue of the cherita journal!
Michael H Lester


Another grand edition! Larry Kimmel


. . . the new issue is looking beautiful & i can’t wait to read it! Caroline Skanne


. . . heartfelt thanks for the beautiful edition – ‘on a quiet street’.. it brought joy to a grey cold day ..

Special thanks too for the ‘lighthouse’ designation.. that means a great deal to me. Maryalicia Post


Many thanks for the beautiful Easter card which I found fascinating.

I look forward to reading Cherita 11 once the Easter visitors have left.
Patricia Prime


Thank you Ai Li I am happy to be published in this issue of Cherita. Gillena Cox


Congratulations, ai li!

I am off to Amazon for my copy!
Michael H Lester


Thank you and all the very best for your stewardship of cherita. John Hawkhead



Thank you Ai Li I am happy to be published in this issue of Cherita. Gillena Cox



I look forward to reading another edition of the Cherita. Joanna Ashwell




now I listen
the twelfh edition of the cherita


Congratulations on launching the tenth edition of the cherita in Singapore. I’m sure it would’ve been so well received there.
Samantha Sirimanne Hyde


i thoroughly enjoyed now i listen.  i lingered over it for more than an hour tonight.  in my opinion the quality remains as high as with all the other issues.  which is A+ high.  wonderful selection of pictures. I read sitting in a comfortable chair in lamplight with a Kindle Fire so i could enjoy the color.  the cherita terbalik really opens up the form to accommodate every need.  great idea to go with that.  i feel you can and should be proud with what you have accomplished with the cherita : you storybook journal
Larry Kimmel


congratulations ai li, i’m excited to read this issue launched from the Lion City!!! it looks lovely. it feels a bit like ‘cherita’ has returned home 🙂 thanks for the postcard too x btw— is it really the tenth edition? Caroline Skanne


What extraordinary enrichment you achieve with the images…I love the ones you chose for my cherita..  The blue-green water was especially meaningful to me… 

And thank you so much for the Lighthouse for ‘some nights’.. I couldn’t be more proud.. 

Thank you so much for letting me know the edition is ready.. and for your good wishes for first snowdrops and birdsong… The thought was especially cheering as we experience highly unusual snow here in Dublin…

And how lovely to think of you in your grandmother’s city… your spiritual home.. I hope you derive joy and strength from it.

I’ll order the print edition of ’now I listen’ but first will download the Kindle version to read now by the fire.
Maryalicia Post


I adore my printed issues of the cherita, but I am missing your gorgeous photographs, so I think I will have to consider purchasing Kindle copies at some point!

I just ordered issue 10 of the cherita. I’m amazed that you have the energy to produce a monthly journal, and yet still find the time to create your own new work. I am bowing to you… Debbie Strange


Thank you for your spring card and congrats on launch of 10 th Cherita, ‘now I listen’ and your new Cherita terbalik. 

I think Larry is now firmly placed in the history of the Cherita! Christine Tardios


Thank you, merci, my dear friend in Singapore  for thinking about me in USA!

I love the card with butterflies and may be it is my destiny to fly from one continent to another continent.

Congratulation for the edition ten or the cherita.

Enjoy your vacation in Singapore with memories. Anne-France Stevenson


I am looking forward to your new cherita journal and am collecting the print editions. And love the online too, of course.

Thanks for all your wonderful inspiration and work . . .

So pretty and colorful and magical!

Also we read cherita journal around table at meeting! Much love and surprises including back cover… thank you!

I woke in the night and wanted to tell you. 
Kathabela Wilson


Many thanks for the cherita and for the card . . . so beautiful .  . . Patricia Prime


Thank you for the lovely card for spring.  I look forward to edition 10. Joanna Ashwell


What a wonderful way to spend your school holidays…I imagine you found new stories for your poems there in Singapore.  I’ll look forward to reading them soon!

Congratulations on issue 10’s release!  and thank you for the lovely card . . .
Autumn Noelle Hall


Congratulations on launching a special edition of cherita from Singapore.  And thank you for the good wishes for an early spring.  Cheers-  Joan Stern


Congratulations on another issue of the cherita journal! Michael H Lester


good job Angela Giordano





I do much prefer reading a print collection. Oz Hardwick

Thank you for your beautiful work and sensitivity….looking forward to every continual collaboration!! Kathabela Wilson

I’m thrilled to be a part of your beautiful journal!
I’ve been a longtime admirer of your magazine and was disappointed the next issue won’t be a flip book anymore. Christina Sng


I don’t know how you manage to juggle the journals and produce such lovely editions in the timescale . . .  Joanna Ashwell

I received four print copies of the cherita today – yay! I haven’t read through them all yet, but I wanted to thank you for my cherita lighthouse in Winter, no fixed abode. Also, I loved your closing poem! Debbie Strange

Thanks for the wonderful issues of the Cherita journal. They are a treat. Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy

I’m very excited to be appearing in the cherita! Tia Haynes

Now have Issue 6 at home in print – as always I prefer to have the book in my hand rather than on screen. Will acquire earlier issues over the next few months and, of course, all these wonderful new editions that will be forthcoming. Geoffrey Winch

I am grateful to you for making my works popular. Thanks, ai li. Celestine Nudanu



autumn deepens
the eleventh edition of the cherita


Interesting reversing the Cherita order….glad to see the wheels so well oiled. Alexis Rotella


I’ve recently read on @larry_kimmel that there are other forms a cherita can take than 1-2-3 line stanzas. ai li, the creator of #cherita has updated the brilliant 1-2-3 form. A lot is possible now! And I found #cherita amazing before! posted on #cherita on twitter by awaiting rain@bendofrain


. . . for the beautiful publication ‘autumn deepens’, for your card on the Year of the Dog, and for the concept of the cherita terbalik……I send you every good wish and many many thanks. Maryalicia Post

I was pleased with the placement of my cherita and the photos that go with them. Yes, a strong issue. I am happy to see you promoting the cherita terbalik, as sometimes the lines just want to be the way they want to be. You can force them into the original 1-2-3, but it is not always to the poems advantage. This gives the cherita a flexibility that will carry it even further.

Great issue. Will savor it slowly on next reading.

Congrats, ai li.  Larry Kimmel

I’ll be interested to try the terbalik . . . always interesting to have something new to try one’s hand at. Patricia Prime

Congratulations on publishing autumn deepens! Another feather in your cap!
Michael H Lester




I am so excited about this …it is 3:30 am here. I happened to be awake and ordered one immediately on my phone and told our group of cherita writers. It is beautiful to have this option and i think it will be appreciated! . . . Our last poets meeting we had a writing session. They could write in any form…and many wrote cherita!
Kathabela Wilson

That’s wonderful, ai li. I do much prefer reading a print collection. Oz Hardwick

One cherita per page is the ideal – makes it clearer to read and provides time for the reader to breathe in. 

Do convert earlier editions into print! George Tardios

Thanks for the wonderful issues of the Cherita journal. They are a treat.
Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy

The Cherita is a beautiful form. Thank you for creating it. Samar Ghose

It’s an excellent idea to make the editions available in print! I just ordered Edition Seven and look forward to reading it!
Mary Hanrahan

I do prefer print books of tanka. I stare at the screen enough as it is.  M Kei

I have just purchased a copy of issue seven of The Cherita and look forward to holding it in my hands and reading it over the holidays. Jennifer Hambrick

I thank you for all your help through the year – the Cherita book is just lovely. Gavin Austin


I’ll be giving this publicity on my Twitter page. Penny O’Meara

I think that releasing the cherita in print is a brilliant idea. I’ve already ordered issue 7! As you know from our past conversations, I do favour print publications over online versions . . . Also, I feel more connected to the words when I actually hold them in my hands. Debbie Strange

Thanks for the good news about print versions of The Cherita.  Is also making some of your own books that are only in Kindle available in print, as well, in the future?  I’m not a big Kindle fan, so that’s why I ask.  With your work load, this may be not possible. Peter Jastermsky

It will be wonderful to have the cherita in book form . . . Patricia Prime

As always, I loved ‘a visit across decades’ – many beautiful cherita and images which I enjoyed several times over. Again, I thank you for your support and for your gift of cherita to us. Samantha Sirimanne Hyde

I think it’s a beautiful idea and yes, this is the way to take this art form forward. 

So many of my friends feel that Cherita is addictive. 

Congratulations! Kala Ramesh

You’ve got yourself a very fine journal and a lot of fans!

Well done!

I just bought the print version of Edition Seven of the cherita.

Of course, I will support your efforts!

Good luck with sales. Michael H Lester

thanks for all your hard work relating to The Cherita so far – it is ticking many of my boxes.  back numbers in print will also be welcome.
Geoffrey Winch

Finding ‘the cherita’ was the highpoint of my year.. I thank you for inventing the form, for being so generous in sharing it and for making space for me in your magnificent journal. 

I wish you all the best in 2018 –  most heartily…

Thank you ai li for devising the cherita . . . Maryalicia Post

A BIG CONGRATS on your first print edition!

 . . .i really love writing it. Pamela A Babusci

I wish you every success with your new book. Chen-ou Liu

Congrats on your publishing. Gillena Cox



Winter, no fixed abode
the tentth edition of the cherita


Congratulations on converting the editions to print and Kindle.. an enormous undertaking I know..  I wish you all the best, ai li, for 2018 and the future.
Maryalicia Post


Winter, no fixed abode looks stunning on a large monitor, same as the flipbook. I’ll let you know how I see it on Kindle White & Kindle Fire, which should show the color. Quality of cherita remains consistent, which is to say excellent. I’ve ordered the print version, as well. I, for one, am pleased to see the cherita in these new formats. All best fortune moving forward.

anyway, my hat’s off to you for the vast amount of work you’ve taken on, and still have been able to keep the quality up to standard in both text and production. wow

I forgot to mention that I felt the balance between b & w and color photos, as well a sepia, etc. was excellent.
Larry Kimmel


Many thanks for edition 8..and very special thanks for the ‘lighthouse’ commendation for ‘ for a glimpse of him returning’…a lovely surprise…

I send you every good wish and, if I may, a hug! Maryalicia Post


It sounds as though you have been very busy and I look forward to reading the current issue of The Cherita.

Have a wonderful, happy and healthy New Year. Patricia Prime


wonderful, the winter print edition – bought it!

Happy New Year.  Joy McCall


I feel honored because have published cherita in your special magazine.
Thank you for your noble intentions.
I wish you health and inspiration in the new year.
Vasile Moldovan


I just bought and read the kindle version—I had to see the pictures!

It’s beautiful!

Thank you for including my cherita, and congratulations on the 8th edition of the cherita!
Michael H Lester


i love your journal & i have enjoyed writing cherita . . .

good luck with your wonderful journal.

blessings, pamela a. babusci


Wishing you a very exciting, healthy and creative 2018.

It’s lovely to read this email and the ways in which you have taken cherita forward.
Hats off to you.
Kala Ramesh


Thank you for your update and congratulations on a very successful year. Here’s to a productive and peaceful 2018- Joan Stern


thank you, ai li. i downloaded this last night. the selection of cherita and the images are excellent. very well done. wishing you a happy new year. Steve Travis



a visit across decades
the print version of the nineth edition of the cherita


As always, I loved ‘a visit across decades’ – many beautiful cherita and images which I enjoyed several times over. Again, I thank you for your support and for your gift of cherita to us. Samantha Sirimanne Hyde


My copy arrived yesterday, and it really does give the poems space to breathe – beautiful! Oz Hardwick

cherita #7 arrived today. It’s a beauty!

Congratulations! Michael H Lester


Fantastic!  Larry Kimmel

I am so excited about this …it is 3:30 am here. I happened to be awake and ordered one immediately on my phone and told our group of cherita writers. It is beautiful to have this option and i think it will be appreciated! . . . Our last poets meeting we had a writing session. They could write in any form…and many wrote cherita!
Kathabela Wilson

It will be wonderful to have the cherita in book form and I look forward to them . . . Patricia Prime

I think it’s a beautiful idea and yes, this is the way to take this art form forward. 

So many of my friends feel that Cherita is addictive. 

Congratulations! Kala Ramesh

It’s an excellent idea to make the editions available in print! I just ordered Edition Seven and look forward to reading it! Mary Hanrahan

One cherita per page is the ideal – makes it clearer to read and provides time for the reader to breathe in. George Tardios

Thanks for the good news about print versions of The Cherita.  Is also making some of your own books that are only in Kindle available in print, as well, in the future?  I’m not a big Kindle fan, so that’s why I ask.  Peter Jastermsky

I think that releasing the cherita in print is a brilliant idea. I’ve already ordered issue 7! As you know from our past conversations, I do favour print publications over online versions, . . . Also, I feel more connected to the words when I actually hold them in my hands. Debbie Strange


I’ll be giving this publicity on my Twitter page. Penny O’Meara


This is great news!  I have just purchased a copy of issue seven of The Cherita and look forward to holding it in my hands and reading it over the holidays.
Jennifer Hambrick

thanks for this ai li – will order a copy when I make a new book order to Amazon . . .

thanks for all your hard work relating to The Cherita so far – it is ticking many of my boxes.  back numbers in print will also be welcome. 

Do convert earlier editions into print! Geoffrey Winch

How wonderful! I’m so pleased that you are making these available in print. I have never managed to adjust my reading preferences to electronic formats out of choice, so am absolutely delighted. Oz Hardwick

I just bought the print version of Edition Seven of the cherita . . . Good luck with sales. Michael H Lester


What a very good idea ai li… It should be a great success!  Maryalicia Post

Congrats on your publishing Gillena Cox


Many thanks for telling me this good news.

I wish you every success with your new book.

Chen-ou Liu


Thank you for letting me know. All the best. Madhuri Pillai



a visit across decades
the eighth edition of the cherita


A little note to let you know how much I enjoyed my “visit” to the seventh edition of the cherita : your storybook journal. You continue to impress me with your editorial and design skills. Every issue is a magical feast for the senses!

Thank you so much for honouring me with a cherita lighthouse. You have brightened up a gloomy winter day.

Wishing you love, light, and many blessings in the coming year. Debbie Strange


A great edition, ai li. The use of b & w and the cool tones of blues and greys, an excellent touch for December. I liked the photos you choose for my poems. Thank you for the cherita. Larry Kimmel


hi! congratulations, it is a beautifully atmospheric issue . . . i love it! . . . thanks so much for including my work. Caroline Skanne


Season’s greetings ai li,

The West African’s are great additions to cherita poetry circle. A lucky 7 issue. With 77 poems. Auspicious. Congratulations on keeping the flow and rythym of cherita.
David McMurray


Thank you for latest Cherita flip book. It is beautiful… such a generous gift!!
Maryalicia Post


many thx again for pub my cherita!

great issue & among my favorites were:

matsukaze “dinner alone”
& debbie strange: “frost-laced leaves”

& of course your cherita!

yes, i think this issue was a really strong one!
i am more drawn to the succinct ones, rather
than the longer ones (just my preference).
Pamela A. Babusci


Thank you.
In my book of favourites, this is one of my best *cherita* for it is about the *Guindy Home* (as we call it even now) we left when I was just 6 years old and my parents moved to a place closer to the city, near our school.

After nearly 40 years we visited this *childhood home* and I was so surprised at the short distance from the gate and to the building. This observation just remained with me all these years and I couldn’t somehow write a haiku or a tanka on it – I guess it was waiting for *Cherita* to happen ^_^

To think you also thought it was a good cherita to name the 7th edition after this poem makes me really happy.

Thanks once again. Kala Ramesh


I was just reading over today’s newly released edition and am inspired by the talent and variety of cherita I’m reading. I’m new, so I am finding favorite writers to emulate as a way of learning. Michael McClintock is at the top of my list. So exciting to be part of this new poetry form. Carole MacRury


‘The Cherita’ is always a treat I linger over . . . Glad to be included each month
Peter Jastermsky posted on facebook


It’s really extraordinary! Marta Majorka Chociłowska posted on facebook




and so we danced and somewhere a carousel [now renamed come cherita incorporating both editions]
the sixth edition of the cherita


Poets are talking so much about cherita.
I just read the issue, it’s beautiful.
Kala Ramesh


I am impressed! Glad soon there will be more beautiful Cherita published. Looking forward to, maybe, find myself among those. Wishing you great success for your good work. Mira Mataric


Thank you for this announcement. More importantly let me congratulate on the new issue! eiko yachimoto


get your fill of fantastic cherita here. it’ll be worth your time to check out both volumes. linty‏@lintychim posted on twitter


Congratulations to you for these two beautiful volumes of cherita. It is an honour to have my poems appear alongside the work of the many fine contributors.
Mark Gordon


Wow, another awesome set of cherita flipbooks, Larry! Thank you for including 2 of my cherita—the 2 images you chose to precede them are stunning! Thank you so much. We will miss your fine, high-quality flipbook productions as editor. 
Anjela Villarreal Ratliff posted on facebook


Congratulations to us all. I take this opportunity to wish you well, Larry. And thank you so much for all you did for us and for the art of Cherita. 
Celestine Nudanu posted on facebook


Two beautiful editions…and you’re saying, “goodbye”!! Yes, I know, life has a way of throwing a curve ball, and all we can do is try to catch it, or lose and surrender. But then, days would fold and unfold; before we wake up one day, dawn has gifted us with something more wondrous than what we had to give up or lost. I wish you the best and the strength to get on. Alegria Imperial


Thanks so much Larry. I’m slowly working my way through it and enjoying poems by Kirsty Karkow…so happy to see she is writing. . . And I also enjoy Michael McClintock’s work. It’s a lovely ‘final’ issue you’ve produced!! So delighted to be in it. My thanks! Carole MacRury


Thank you for letting me know that “the cherita: your storybook journal, issue 6,” is on line. I started to read it, but will have to save the whole when there is more time. The first illustrations were lovely, colorful, and clear, a promise of good reading. . . I’m happy my first cherita I’ll be in an issue you edited [sic]. Good luck and happiness in your future endeavors. I will surely take time to write other cheritas [sic], a form that has roused my interest. Dorothy McLaughlin



let it rain and when i can’t sleep
the fifth edition of the cherita


I am so happy to see so many of you in the October issue of Cherita Journal! We don’t want to post our poems, because the beautiful journal is a pleasure to page through with the incredibly poignant illustrations! But you can post a page number– so we can look especially ! am looking through Volume 2 Poets Joan Stern and Joyce Futa have great cherita here, chosen by ai li, and a cherita I wrote echoing my Santa Fe days is on page 184 of October Volume 2 –and a childhood reminiscence from even longer ago in Staten Island is on the previous page. We can read from the cherita journal at our next meeting. Jackie Chou! I love yours too…Yesterday I was reading Oct #1…it is great… the Four of us at a cherita meeting…Jean Sudbury and Erika Wilk are also writing great cherita!! Kathabela Wilson posted on cherita Poets on Site


As I said, proud of you. the cherita, has got to be the most attractive short form journal on line. And it’s all your conception. Larry Kimmel


Wow, ai li! I just read through both volumes of issue 5 (when I should be working)! What a beautiful collection of poems and photos! I’m sure you are very proud of this issue.

Thank you for including my poems and the poems of my collaboration with Autumn.

Congratulations on a great issue!

Michael H Lester


I also discovered that the gorgeous new issues of the cherita have arrived, and I was thrilled to have one of them named after my poem. Thanks as well for my lighthouse honour.

As always, the photographs harmonize perfectly with these beautiful cherita songs!

Debbie Strange


Issue 5 is splendid.. a beautiful production.

So much to read, to love and to thank you for!

I love the poem placements and their images.. the kitten, in particular, perfectly expresses my mood in writing that.

Your poem about changing your homeplace for love really spoke to me by the way.. it was my favourite of all the poems..   Maryalicia Post


I am thrilled and honored to have 3 of my cherita appear in LET IT RAIN, another lovely flipbook filled with powerful cherita and accompanying equally strong images. This month’s issues are edited by the creator of the cherita form: ai li. Be sure to read the latest 2 October flipbooks. Totally worth the ride! Thank you, ai li!!
Anjela Villarreal Ratliff posted on facebook


Many thanks too for the fifth edition of ‘let it rain’ and ‘when i can’t sleep’ – I’ve only had time for a quick browse so far and I can’t wait to absorb it all when I have some quality time to devote to them. So loved the interspersed atmospheric photos, ai li.

Warmest wishes and my blessings,
Samantha Sirimanne Hyde


Thank you for two more beautiful editions of the Cherita journal: let it rain and when I can’t sleep. The Cherita and photographs enhance the stories and blend well together. Long may the journal continue. Joanna Ashwell


Thank you very much, ai li
. . . I am not sure, I deserve it, but it is a great honour to be published in the cherita journal. I can now mention it when I talk about my book, giving me that little bit more confidence.

I can just imagine how hard you worked on this. You must feel exhausted as well as pleased with what a good job you have done.

Congratulations on your success! !!

I forgot to mention, the images you have chosen, I can tell that you put all your heart and soul into this. It is a complex work of art the whole edition, with everything fitting in to a tee.

Kind regards
Marija Eljuga


I should have been working, but I knew if I didn’t get through both books right then, it would be hard to get back to it. It looks like it was a lot of work for you, and the result shows the care you took!

The placement of my poems and the images were terrific, as was the entire issue. I was very happy with both.

Take a well-deserved rest and look at it with a fresh eye. You will see how beautiful it all is.

Best, Michael H Lester


Two great issues!
Terri L. French


let it rain and when i can’t sleep
the fifth edition of the cherita : your storybook journal: let it rain and when i can’t sleep.
Congratulatins to the authors featuredin let it rain – Pat Geyer,Kala Ramesh, Robin White, Shrikaanth K. Murthy, Larry Kimmel, Pravat Kumar Padhy, Alexis Rotella, Patricia Davis, Jennifer Hambrick, Chrissi Villa, Vasile Moldovan,Marietta McGregor, Celestine Nudanu, Ernesto Santiago, Sheila Windsor, Ron Moss, Malintha Perera, Hansha Teki, Jessica Malone Latham, Larry Kimmel 🌷
when I cant’ sleep: Madhuri Pillai, Chrissi Villa, Alexis Rotella, Terri Hale French, Gabriel Bates, Pat Geyer, Arvinder Kaur, Caroline Skanne, Patricia Davis, Larry Kimmel, Dave Read, Pravat Kumar Padhy🌷

Marta Majorka Oikinihana Chociłowska  posted on facebook





The cherita is here to stay. A deep bow. Alexis Rotella


i’ve been meaning to pass by here to thank you for providing short verse poets such an exciting space to breathe new life into our small poems! since issue 1, i have come to the cherita w. high expectations . . . but oh my—you sure know how to vow your readers both poetically & visually! your selection is skillful; the arrangement sublime. ai, thanks again for creating this beautiful form of poetry & for continuing to push the boundaries; develop & nurture the cherita. Caroline Skanne


Beauty will save the world, said Dostoevsky. Cherita (thanks to you) is bringing us together and that may save the world. Love and peace, Mira Mataric


So glad to see SO MANY new cherita in print! As a photographer myself, I especially love the way each poem is presented in tandem with a complimentary image! The journal is a joy, and one I look forward to with great page-turning anticipation! Thank you for all the time and love you pour into each issue!
Autumn Noelle Hall


It’s very important to have a Cherita Journal, adding to the hokku/haikai canon. Brendan Slater


I’m very much enjoying the cherita and the beautiful artwork. Patricia Prime


Thank you you words mean much and I believe in the positive energy words can provide.They facilitate our understanding and underpin both our conscious and unconscious.. Words may seem just a collection of letters but like a banknote they can when used well carry a promise to pay.

This is not so much of a submission as a tribute

The flower blossoms

Word petals display
Bright colours or subtle hue

Telling it’s story
Charming those that gaze
With the sweetest fragrance

However if it is of any use to you I would be honoured. although I hope you forgive my arrogance in celebrating one of your achievements in it’s own form. I have many things I wish to write poetry and prose but I am sure there will be more cherita. Jon Best


the cherita is going gangbusters. Kudos to you and Larry. Michael H Lester


I really enjoyed reading the last edition .  .  .  Robert Horrobin


You are very Creative and talented. Irene Cheng


be amazed
the fourth edition of the cherita


Thank you Larry, congratulations to all, wonderful stories to read, and thank you for including few of mine too. Madhuri Pillai posted on facebook


Larry, I’ve read the new edition 3 times now and continue to find new joys to savor. Thanks for your wonderful editing! I am very grateful to have my poems included.
Peter Jastermsky posted on facebook


Excellent presentation and I cannot believe it is the fourth edition.
Thank you for keeping me updated!
Anne-France Stevenson


Love the poems. Have read about half of them. Will continue little by little.
Kind regards, Marija Eljuga


Beautiful. Just beautiful. I’m so proud to be in these pages. Thank you.  Jennifer Hambrick


Congratulations on issue #4 of the cherita – another wonderful selection of captivating stories interspersed with vibrant images.

I’m over the moon to have made it in to this edition – your support is much appreciated. Best wishes, Samantha Sirimanne Hyde


Yet another superb issue! Loved your poem “a perfect female posture”, Larry.
Michael McClintock


thanks so much for my Cherita Lighthouse & for another outstanding exploration of the wonder that is cherita! Debbie Strange posted on twitter



XOXO Pamela A Babusci


Thank you, another wonderful edition, beautiful photos and heartwarming poetry. Thank you for including my cherita too. Warmest regards, Madhuri Pillai


I must say I was infatuated with this issue. I was carried away and it lifted me … I was actually inside each compelling story. The layout, the turning of the pages, and the wonderful interspersed graphics added to the whole experience. Yes, I am taken with the cherita form, especially the way you present it. I would like to submit more to you. Wasn’t sure if you were still reading submissions..I assume it’s an ongoing process? New to this form, I love the challenge and that last line that allows for so much more story. Thanks for reaching out.;-) Be well, Carol Raisfield


the sequence
of varied illustrations
from poem to poem
with magical scenes
that stir one’s imagination
Thank you, Kirsty Karkow


I thrice read the cherita: your storybook journal, issue #4. What a gorgeous job you did with it. The images could stand as a poetry book on their own, and the cherita for this issue were again topnotch! Together, the images and poems take the reader’s senses to new dimensions of storytelling. Congrats to you and all the contributors of this issue . . . . I feel honored that you and ai li have already accepted many of my cherita, and published some of them in past issues of your online journal, and I look forward to reading future flipbooks. Anjela Villarrreal Ratliff


This journal is just fantastic. I am really falling in love with this form. Terri Hale French posted on facebook


this issue is simply ‘wow’ Larry. Caroline Skanne


beautiful! thank you. love Joy McCall


As always, enjoyed Larry’s cherita selections. Alexis Rotella


The fourth edition is poetry itself! Clean and fresh and full of a universe of ideas, thoughts and feelings. Penny O’Meara


It’s becoming a most pleasant routine: flipping the kitchen calendar to a brand new month, brewing my morning coffee, and sitting down to enjoy and savor the newest edition of the cherita : your storybook journal. September’s be amazed delivers on its title’s promise, as I had every confidence it would. Kudos to Larry Kimmel and my fellow contributors for this amazing edition. John Tehan


Exhilarated to know my initial attempts at writing “cherita” poems made it to the 4th edition(Sept 2017) of “The Cherita”. Thanks to Larry Kimmel who selected 86 cherita by 38 poets from England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Phillippines, India, Ghana and the USA. My two poems appear on pages 108 and 275. Please see http://www.thecherita.com/flipbook/  Angelo Ancheta posted on facebook


Thank you for this terrific issue. Pat Geyer posted on facebook


Amazing compilation. Thank you Larry and congrats to us all. Celestine Nadanu posted on facebook


Another lovely edition, Larry – over the moon to be a part of it, many thanks. Samantha Sirimanne Hyde posted on facebook


I have two cherita “cemetery visit” and “stormy night” published in “be amazed” the September edition of “the cherita : your storybook journal” edited by Larry Kimmel. This is my second time to be featured in “the cherita”. Thanks Larry. Billy T. Antonio posted on facebook


Just enjoyed this edition …so much! I’m delighted to have my poems included. Thank you and congrats on a great issue, Larry. Carol Raisfield posted on facebook



find me and where the river bends
the third edition of the cherita


greetings on this delightul breezy Sunday and congrats on another two beautiful Cherita issues. Alexis Rotella


I just finished reading the beautiful two volume storytelling journals– it was really wonderful to read all through and your choice of images very moving. I will go back again and read through the whole.

I was happy that Jackie Chou’s cherita was in the second of the 2 volumes of #3. She is a good friend local poet, very good and sensitive–and she learned cherita at our meetings.

Mira Mataric is also a friend and local poet who has heard about cherita from us and Kei…

I love your cherita and Larry’s in this issue and Michael McClintock’s are amazing–cherita is perfect for his sensitive deep sense of life. And so many others.
Kathabela Wilson


Congratulations. It’s awesome that you’re getting so many submissions.

You’ve beaten ATPO to the collaborative cherita. We have one in #29 coming up by Gerry Jacobson, Barbara Curnow, and Catherine McGrath who have given us a collaborative cherita. M Kei


The poets’ words, the storytellers’ tales, and the art & photos chosen by ai li all combine to continue this wonder-filled cherita journey of which I am so blessed to be a part! Kudos, one and all! John Tehan


the cherita is up—w. beautiful poems, visuals & surprises . . . thanks to the editors for all their hard work bringing us this exciting new journal!
Caroline Skanne posted on facebook


Amazing collection! Thank you ai li and Larry for posting. Larry your cherita are beautiful! I also love Michael McClintock’s and Orrin PréJean Chrissi Villa’s! I am especially thrilled to see one by our local dear wonderful poet Jackie Chou– in volume 2! She just read us that on at the Japanese Garden at our meeting! I just read through both volumes –an amazing work, and with deep and fascinating images all the way through. Kathabela Wilson posted on facebook


Beautifully done and I love the 50’s Hollywood goddess!

The whole project is wonderful.

Every page turned increased my anticipation . . . I now understand that you were placed where you were meant to be.

Thank you. Daniela Becher


Yaay!! Cherita is up !! Aparna Pathak posted on facebook


Thank you ai li. . . . Placement and image are wonderful! Thanks again. Pat Geyer


I was finally able to open a Flipbook and actually learned more about Cherita.
Martina Gallegos posted on facebook


I am still not finished reading #2!! But I decided to read this in one swoop it is the best way because it becomes an amazing long story…but lures you back into the small stories to re read…. Kathabela Wilson posted on facebook


. . . another great issue. Madhuri Pillai posted on facebook


Thank you Larry and al li. Such lovely works. Page 20, the cherita by George Tardios. So gorgeous and romantic. Celeste Nudanu posted on facebook


I look forward to reading through the double volume of the cherita! Congratulations, ai li and Larry Kimmel. Michael H. Lester posted on facebook


Another bulls-eye with the 3rd edition of THE CHERITA: YOUR STORYBOOK JOURNAL. ai li did a fine job of organizing the cherita and the accompanying stunning images for the 2 new flipbooks. Impressive!
Anjela Villarreal Ratliff posted on facebook


Oh, how gorgeous! These issues are each stunning in their own right, and I’m thrilled to be included. Congratulations on presenting the first collaborative cherita. As usual, your photography selections resonate… Debbie Strange


Wonderful! I’m really getting into this form, love it’s possibilities.
Joyce Futa


Congratulations on launching the third edition in two volumes! I relished your “street dancing” cherita and its “piano keys” simile. I look forward to enjoying the rest of the edition and the wonderful art you selected on my trip to Alaska next week.
Joan E. Stern


What a beautiful achievement ai li… You are as sensitive and artistic in choosing illustrations as you are in writing poetry.. That’s high praise indeed… Maryalicia Post


WOW!!   wonderful 2 issues! pamela a. babusci


I just finished reading the beautiful two volume storytelling journals– it was really wonderful to read all through and your choice of images very moving. I will go back again and read through the whole.

I love your cherita and Larry’s in this issue and Michael McClintock’s are amazing–cherita is perfect for his sensitive deep sense of life. And so many others.
Kathabela Wilson


I am so pleased to see Japan included in so many countries that make up cherita family.

I thought the photograph ushering in my cherita on a children’s library is very interesting.

With a bow of gratitude, eiko yachimoto


Congratulations! Guat Hua and Hock Han


I love both volumes for August. Excellent layout with beautiful illustrations to accompany the beautiful cherita. Great job! I look forward to more in future!
George Mat




Thank you for giving me cherita as a preserver and transmitter of the stories! I feel and understand these moments more strongly because of this. Kath Abela Wilson


Everything looks perfect and the inaugural issue was beautiful. Really looking forward to the future of this journal! Gabriel Bates


  . . thank you again for your beautiful inspiration and your beautiful cherita. . . . I am so enjoying and sharing the first two issues! Kath Abela Wilson


What an honor to be included in your journal! Jackie Chou


God Bless you and thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet a new challenge – I love that. Daniela Becher


I remember years ago admiring your work and enthusiasm at Still. You and Larry make a great combo. Kirsty Karkow


Thanks to you, I hope to be writing cherita for a long time to come. It’s progression and pacing intrigue me and differ from tanka in significant ways. I continue to explore, prod, stretch, and find the thoughts that best fit. New rhythms and percussions!
Michael McClintock


no sat nav … no map … no regrets
the second edition of the cherita


thank you, ai li. it’s excellent.,

i posted this on twitter.

ps) cherita is really taking off there. lots of quality cherita. 
steve travis


My Saturday morning To Do List was long and daunting … and then I read the e-mail telling me that the cherita’s issue #2 no sat-nav … no map … no regrets had arrived. Needless to say, not a single thing on my list got done, but, oh, what a great Saturday morning it was, spent reading 76 wonderful cherita from poets far and wide! Congratulations, many thanks and best wishes to every one of you! John Tehan


 . . . my congratulations to all. Madhuri Pillai posted on cherita poets on site


The second edition is here! CONGRATULATIONS to Kathabela Wilson, Alan Summers, Debbie Strange, Pamela A. Babusci, Kala Ramesh, Samantha Sirimanne Hyde, Patricia Davis, Rebecca Drouilhet, Madhuri Pillai, Alee Imperial Albano, Robin White, Michael H. Lester, ai li, Larry Kimmel, and many others! Christine L. Villa posted on cherita poets on site


Many thanks for sharing this great news with me. Chen-ou Liu


I cannot express the love and thanks I feel for the journal and for the stunning dedication. It is overwhelming.

I plan to continually focus on the new issue as well as the past! And to encourage and expand the Cherita Poets on Site!

… it is almost 3 am here … i woke up and wanted to thank you and share. Hugs to you both!! Kathabela Wilson


Congratulations on your second edition of the cherita – rich and intriguing stories with evocative images. The cherita is a truly wonderful form.

So happy to be in this edition – I really appreciate your support.
Samantha Sirimanne Hyde


larry, this is an excellent collection of cherita . you and ai li are amazing.
linty chim on twitter


Congratulations on the release of your beautiful second issue. I’m delighted and honoured for my small tales to take their place between the covers of this lovely cherita storybook! Debbie Strange


Thanks so much for including my cherita in issue #2.  I love the photo you found to match up with it. Pat Davis


Such variety in the 2nd edition! I read it through twice and felt like I’d been on a global trip dipping into others’ lives via micro-mini vignettes. Wonderful accompanying images as well. Congrats to Larry Kimmel! Anjela Villareall Ratiff  posted on facebook


Thanks so much for this wonderful edition of cherita, Larry!! Wow, so much to breathe in for joy. I love the images and the “stories” you paired with them. Thanks again for taking mine. You will surely hear from me again. Alegria Imperial


Thanks, Larry – I look forward to exploring it, and I am naturally honoured by your choice of title. Oz Hardwick


Read it this morning and also forwarded the e-mail to a batch of poets. Looks great! Beautiful job. Love the sound effects of turning the pages …. Stanford M. Forrester


gosh, I hate flip books … what about making a downloadable pdf?
Johannes S. H. Bjerg  posted on facebook


congratulations! can’t wait to read it. Caroline Skanne posted on facebook


I enjoyed reading the second issue. I did make a quick browse but will go back to savor it when time permits.

Looking forward to the next issue and to writing more cherita.
Christine L. Villa


A wonderful collection of cherita. I’m honored to be a part of, “our one yet varied voice.” Teresa Evangeline


Congratulations to all the poets whose cherita appear in issue #2! A special congratulations to Kathabela for her special mention as a champion of the cherita! Michael H. Lester



You’ve raised the bar a notch higher!
What a beautiful, thought-provoking collection of poems.
And the art work makes it resonate at yet another level.
Breathtaking. Lesley Swanson


Kudos on a fine achievement. George Swede


This may be the second edition but it is in fact your inaugural edition of the cherita Larry. You have made no sat-nav … no map … no regrets your very own and I hope the readers will enjoy reading through the stories with their accompanying images within like I did. Congratulations and well done for a full bodied edition! I am so proud of you. ai li


Enjoyable, ai li and Larry. An elegant form. Alexis Rotella


oh YES, the latest issue of the cherita…. splendid!
emotionally satisfying.
visually gorgeous.
truly you two are engaged in a labor of love and it shows.
you are sharing such pleasures with the wide community.
i am glad to be part of that community and to receive notice when the flipbook appears.
thank you for this pleasure.
the joy of seeing work by people i already know and admire (through brass bell and hedgerow) and the joy of discovering new writers.
sending love & appreciation to you both,
zee zahava


Pleased to have 8 cherita included in the exquisite 2nd issue of The Cherita. The unique flip book format creates a beautiful tone poem that lingers. Thanks to this month’s editor Larry Kimmel!! Peter Jastermsky posted on facebook


Oh Larry Kimmel and ai li that is so beautiful. (+ sweet surprise…) Thank you so much. Kathabela Wilson posted on facebook


This is great. Thank you Larry. Celestine Nudanu posted on facebook


telling a story
the inaugural edition of the cherita


 I did indeed see and immensely love the entire layout of the inaugural issue of Cherita. The images were breathtaking. Matsukaze Prejean


The Cherita has a stunning debut, ai li. I’ve read through it all twice, yesterday and this morning. The “flipbook” technology worked quickly, easily, and with no problems at all. The storytelling element in the cherita you have selected is an exciting and pleasurable experience, engaging the imagination. Readers will want more and writers will want to try it. The use of artwork throughout has been beautifully done, poems and art given the space they need to root and expand in the mind. Congratulations to you and Larry! Your co-editor brings enthusiasm and wide-ranging sensitivities and vision.

I hope to have poems to send to The Cherita sometime this year; I will see where my explorations with the form take me. I have plenty of time to give it my full attention. The Malay origins of the cherita idea you described simply and clearly — your use and management of language is highly evolved, just as it was in the days of Still, toward other purposes and a different focus. No new publication in poetry has impressed me more in the last decade. The Cherita is truly a winged horse and, I predict, will have a long and remarkable history in the high art of the short poem. Michael McClintock


I am slowly paging through the cherita journal… I love the pace. It gives pause and has a dramatic sense of direction and import. I am posting on Cherita Poets on Site about it

I will copy paste a few of my comments.

I won’t post any of our poems here as the great pleasure of reading them in this beautiful journal is the best! Every cherita is alternated with a page with an illustration, deeply resonant and gives us pause to see think and savor! Go to The Cherita to read, be inspired and AMAZED ! Thanks to ai li for the cherita and its wonderful story book journal!

Alexis Rotella, beautiful beautiful “telling a story” in The Cherita journal… I am “paging through” and I love the way your cherita unfolds. I can see it… and feel it (shivers of pleasure)

Caroline Skanne amazing cherita…one following the other. I so love them and the sensitive pairing ai li did -image to poem particularly with the two –oh! Unforgettable thoughts to sky.

Kala Ramesh reading your “dreamer” in The Cherita this morning. Exquisite. http://www.thecherita.com/flipbook/

Shrikaanth K. Murthy your “cherry blossom” cherita woke me up with a start this morning– very powerful and …oh! in the Cherita inauguaral issue. http://www.thecherita.com/flipbook/

Love the dedication to M. Kei… and I thanked him on twitter. I’ll keep sending you comments as I read through. Kathabela Wilson


i just read it cover to cover & wow it is gorgeous. seems completely effortless… congratulations to a marvellous first issue! thanks so much for including my work, a joy & honour. your treacle is my absolute favourite. i hope you’re celebrating! . . . you did a stunning job with those images & the whole issue was a JOY. i’ve heard only positive things on social media, a real buzz. but i already knew the cherita would be a success with such splendid editors. Caroline Skanne


The inaugural edition is nothing short of spectacular!

You have realized your vision and this journal stands among the best out there, if not the best.

My heartiest congratulations to you both!

Thank you for the mentions and for including my cherita in the journal.

With sincere appreciation and admiration, best wishes and warm regards,
Michael H Lester


My expectations for the inaugural edition of the cherita: your storybook journal were quite high, and you’ve exceeded every one of them. Good show!
Best regards and many thanks, John Tehan


Just a little note to say how much I enjoyed ‘the cherita – your storybook journal.’

Your journal is awesome! Deeply inspiring, captivating stories and it is so visually gorgeous. I love the flipbook format too.

Thank you so much for your wonderful creation – I feel very privileged to be a part of the inaugural edition of your journal. 

I’m reading the journal now for the third time and am finding more layers in meaning and correlation between the stories & images that I had previously overlooked. Just breathtaking! Samantha Sirimanne Hyde


I, too, thoroughly enjoyed the first edition of the cherita. Robin White


 I have read through the cherita: your storybook journal three times!  What a stellar production.  I am so honored and humbled to be part of it.  Thanks for all your work.   I am looking forward to the July issue. Pat Davis


What a very good idea for the Cherita!

You are the author of this new form of poems and I love it.

Nobody convinced me to write in the past and with your personality, encouragement and friendship support, I discovered another world of sincerity and refuge.

It was my best therapy in the past year, when I was depressed and thank you to my angels for meeting you in Burma! Anne-France Stevenson


And then the great surprise of ai li’s cherita monthly flipbook. So glad she’s back in town. I musn’t overlook Larry Kimmel who is ai li’s co-editor. We have so much to look forward to. It’s hard enough to devote one’s energy to a quarterly, let alone a monthly or a weekly. Alexis Rotella from her blog


  . . .  congratulations! i hope it’s a big success for you and ai li both. Jim Kacian


I was thrilled to see the first issue! Awesome work! I can’t wait to find the time to relax and enjoy one evening of just enjoying the book. I love the poems and artwork!  More power to the journal!!! Christine L. Villa


I’m happy to be included in the first cherita issue, too! Congrats to all the poets! Patricia Davis posted on facebook


Congrats on this publication. I’ve thought about writing a cherita, but haven’t yet done so. But will give it a try at some point! Michael Dylan Welch


. . . about my first thoughts on reading the lovely works in the inaugural edition. from what I have read I really like the poems of Jan Oskar and Urszula. Arunansu Banerjee


I’m very impressed and so proud of you.  That was a hell of a lot to take on at short notice.  And you did it.  An elegant, classy publication.  You’re back . . .

Oh, that is impressive!  Well done.

WOW.  wonderful.  excellent.  Anyway, a marvelous achievement, ai li.  I like the pics with my cherita.  Everything is glorious.  A great start, rest your eyes.  

If you want to just bask in the glory of the moment, knowing you’ve done a smashing inaugural issue to celebrate 20 years of cherita, do so. 

You deserve a day off and some special food. Larry Kimmel


Congratulations. Well done! Guat Hua and Hock Han


WoW! It’s wonderful! Beautifully realized. Excellent cherita and the images selected are perfect. I love the minimalism yet it’s very rich and alive. I am very impressed. You should be very proud …  Teresa Evangline


  . . . people are raving about Cherita on Facebook. I see what you mean about the art being a lot of WORK. Thank you for including my cherita. Hope you can get some rest now. Alexis Rotella


Congratulations to ai li and Larry Kimmel on the publication of the inaugural edition of the cherita volume one : number one : early summer 2017. Hansha Teki posted on facebook


Had a quiet night reading the very first issue of The Cherita. I was enthralled with each poet’s storytelling! Thank you so much, ai li, for the opportunity to be a part of this. Congratulations to all my poet friends. Thanks for sharing your stories! Christine L. Villa posted on facebook


Bravo on your bumper inaugural edition of The Cherita.

a cup of tea
blue sky

Sheila Windsor


Congratulations and all the best Ai Li. Nimu Parmar


 Wow! What a lovely job you have done of the inaugural edition of the cherita.
You have set the standard high. How wonderful. Gavin Austin


Congratulations on a beautiful achievement.. it is delight full.. Maryalicia Post


I love the issue and this art form.  . . . Yes, I like the way you have included the images and I do love the way my cherita is presented. Kala Ramesh


Congratulations on this breathtakingly beautiful inaugural issue!!!!  eiko yachimoto


Gorgeous issue! Congrats to all the cherita poets. 
Sanjuktaa Asopa posted on facebook


Looks wonderful!!! Don Baird


Heartiest congratulations !!!!!!! I feel honoured to be part of this inaugural issue. Thank you for including my work. Aparna Pathak


 Beautiful–both the poems and the pictures.  Thank you. Elizabeth Howard


Just reading it now and it looks fantastic!!!   congratulations to you both. Ron C. Moss


 the first issue looks great!! many thx again for including two of my cherita.
 pamela a. babsuci




 New beginnings are blessed events; congratulations and best wishes on yours! John Tehan

 You have my best wishes for all the cherita projects. I’m glad to see more editors taking an interest in it. . . . Best of luck with everything. M Kei

This is wonderful news . . . and you’ve picked a good co-editor . . . Your plans for the online journal and the print form anthology sound wise and complete. . . .Best wishes to you both, and to the cherita — may it live forever! Michael McClintock

Your invention captivated me . . . To the Cherita! George Swede

I surely do wish you well with it. It will be a great success – the poetry world has needed a new vision. I will watch from a distance. Joy McCall

it sounds just wonderful… Caroline Skanne

The new anthology and online journal of cherita sounds very exciting . . . All best wishes for your venture. . . . I’m looking forward to reading all the selections. Patricia Prime

This is great news and very exciting! . . . Take care and have fun with your project. Sheila Windsor

Hats off to you for inventing it. . . . Keenly looking forward to your issue. Kala Ramesh

I am sure issue #1 and all future issues of the journal will be wonderful.
Your hard work and dedication in putting it together is a sight to be seen, Ai Li. You are definitely a force of nature.
Despite my early, unplanned, and unanticipated exit, I will rest easy in the knowledge I had something to do with the creation of the cherita: your storybook journal. I know it will be something to proud of and I am truly sorry I will no longer be a part of it.
Thank you both for this brief but rewarding and educational experience. . . Vive la cherita! . . . I’m sure the first issue will be outstanding! Michael H Lester

This is an exciting venture! Christine L. Villa

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity with an equally amazing form. Matsukaze Prejean

Congratulations on embarking on this exciting new adventure! . . . I’m looking forward to reading your new journal. Debbie Strange

All the best with your new journal. Chen-ou Liu

It’ll be fantastic to have a publication dedicated solely to the cherita form. Here’s wishing you and your new journal every success. Samantha Sirimanne Hyde

. . . i am so excited about the very first issue. . . . Wish the magazine all the very best ! Malintha Perera 

There is something about the form – the relationships between the ‘steps’ – that I really enjoy. . . . Penny’s article really articulates the appeal that the form has to me, too.
Oz Hardwick

It is lovely to have a new journal for cherita. Thanks for starting one with Larry. . . Best wishes for the success of the journal. Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy

. . . and I do send you my best wishes for its successful launch. . . . I shall look forward to seeing the first issue. Geoffrey Winch

May I also offer thanks to you for inventing this most beautiful form of expression? Paula S. Zwenger

. . . good luck with your new journal. . . . I look forward to reading the June issue. Joanna Ashwell

I wish you and Larry every success in this exciting project. Keitha Keyes

How exciting! Alegria Imperial

Really looking forward to this journal! Gabriel Bates

I look forward to reading the upcoming issues of the cherita. Urszula Funnell

I’m so very excited to be part of your new journal and to read all of the stories in it. Thank you for your interest in my work. Jennifer Hambrick

I’m fairly new to the form, but I find it both challenging and fun; it is amazing to me how much those 6 short lines are able to contain! . . . Best of luck with this endeavor! Autumn Noelle Hall

I wish you the best success for the publication. Margherita Petriccione

 May I wish you and Larry every success with the launch of the cherita. ka kite ano. Hansha Teki 



copyright © the cherita 2024