now I listen
edition ten of the cherita : your storybook journal
edited by ai li

now I listen, the tenth edition of the cherita has launched for the first time from Singapore, the Lion City – my spiritual home. I spent most of my school holidays on this tropical island where my maternal grandmother was born, and where the foundation of my family’s gift of storytelling was laid, and where it continues to weave its magical spell on me.

This edition showcases 77 fine cherita from poets who hail from UK, USA, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Croatia, Sri Lanka, West Africa and Lithuania. Eight cherita terbalik or inverted cherita, to include one 2-1-3 format, also feature within, along with three collaborative cherita.

The cherita terbalik [pronounced chair-rita tur-bar-lake] can be written with stanzas of [3-2-1], [2-1-3], [1–3–2],] 2–3–1] and [3–1–2] and with up to 3 partners. I hope you will all try this either solo or with your writing friends, and submit your best efforts to me. This edition features the 3-2-1  and 2-1-3 formats. 


Here is an example from the book :-


cooling sands…

the night deepens
star by star

in the hush of evening
to the gentle sound of waves
we breathe in the moon


Grace Galton


I would like to thank all the contributors whose poems helped make this edition another strong storybook of cherita.

Wishing you the first snowdrops and birdsong,

ai li


To purchase a print copy and/or a Kindle book, please click on the cover below
N.B. There are no images in the print version of the cherita.


Please be aware that from 31 October 2019, KDP will be retiring their Kindle Matchbook program.

autumn deepens



Once we notify you that we have accepted your poems for publication, either in the online journal or print journal, please do not share or submit your work elsewhere until we have published your work, or the editor will withdraw your work from publication. We also ask that you refrain from republishing your work in any medium for 90 days from publication in the cherita: your storybook journal.Thanks.




copyright©the cherita 2018