from my window
edition 4:2 of the cherita
edited by ai li
This edition of from my window showcases 90 fine cherita and cherita terbalik from writers and poets who hail from UK, USA, Singapore, New Zealand, India, Ireland and Romania.
from my window is the second edition of our fourth year. We seem to be finally coming out of our long lockdown in the UK albeit with baby steps.
I was delighted and greatly encouraged by so many of you who continued to flourish with your storytelling during this very difficult time in all our lives. Reading your submissions reminded me that we can absolutely either write ourselves out of an unbearably hot Summer or a severely arctic Winter with the right mindset.
Thank you for all your timeless and wonderful contributions during these last few months. Would an easing of lockdown spur us on to write more or fewer cherita? I wonder.
For those of you who may be interested in exploring all the 18 original linked forms I created between 1997 – 2009 [which includes cherita and lunenga] you may like to know that I have managed to migrate from still’s old website, to my updated personal website, the remaining 16 of the entire collection of my 18 linked forms, and they are tanka malam, kukame, gembun, legends, movierenga, orienenga, intimenga, sprenga, omenenga, losenga, numenga, ninenga, garenga, namenga, lorenga and septenga [which I jointly created with Alexis K Rotella in 1997].
My 18 original linked forms now join cherita and lunenga, along with the original September 11 Poems of Remembrance from still’s old website, and can all be viewed on my personal website
I have edited from my window as I have all the other editions of the cherita, to be experienced two ways. It can be read as one storybook but also as an anthology of individual poems. Two reading experiences within one book, filled with stories of Life, Love and Loss.
cherita terbalik continues to capture the imagination of poets and there are again fine examples in this edition.
Featured Poets as they appear in from my window :
Joanna Ashwell/ Patricia Prime/ Kath Abela Wilson/ Taura Scott/ Jackie Chou/ Ruth Kay/ Myrto E. Angeloglou/ ai li/ Tiffany Shaw-Diaz/ James Won/ Larry Kimmel/ S.Radhamani/ Mary Gunn/ paula song sarmonpal/ Tim Callahan/ Pravat Kumar Padhy/ Robert Horrobin/ arvinder kaur/ Maryalicia Post/ Erika Wilk/ Alexis Rotella/ Réka Nyitrai/ James Haddad/ Tim Gardiner/ Robert Strickland/ Partha Sarkar/ Barun Saha/ Mirela Brăilean/ Cynthia Anderson/ Ron Scully/
EXAMPLE OF WORK from from my window :
the women are washing
of saris
in the old river
the wedding colours
ai li
The cherita lighthouse has been awarded to the following writers and poets in this edition for their timeless cherita :-
Joanna Ashwell/ Réka Nyitrai/ Tim Gardiner/ Connor Orrico/ Barun Saha/ James Haddad/ / S.Radhamani/ Erika Wilk/ Tim Callahan/ Taura Scott/ paula song sarmonpal/ Kath Abela Wilson/ Jackie Chou/ Larry Kimmel/ Patricia Prime/ Tiffany Shaw-Diaz/
from my window has been edited to be experienced two ways very much like the cherita. It can be read as a storybook and as an anthology of individual poems.
I have enjoyed the challenge of selecting and collating for this edition of the cherita and hope that you will find the cherita within worthy of a campfire gathering and the sharing of meaningful stories.
If this new edition strikes a chord with you, please feel free to review, comment on Amazon or give a feedback directly to me. Many thanks.
ai li
To purchase a print copy and/or a kindle book, please click on the cover below
N.B. There are no images in the print and kindle versions of the cherita.
Please be aware that from 31 October 2019, KDP will be retiring their Kindle Matchbook program.
Once we notify you that we have accepted your poems for publication, either in the online journal or print journal, please do not share or submit your work elsewhere until we have published your work, or the editor will withdraw your work from publication. We also ask that you refrain from republishing your work in any medium for 90 days from publication in the cherita: your storybook journal.Thanks.
copyright © the cherita 2020